

Responses from hiend2

Newbie needs to make a decision, Rogue? Manley?
You can pick up Hurricanes arount 2500 used. Watch the claifieds when the new ones are out (4 weeks :) 
Newbie needs to make a decision, Rogue? Manley?
I say look at a pair of Hurricanes by antique sound labs. There is a new version comming out so the older versions will be a steal. has pretty much the lowend of the rogue with better trasparency and much more power. Its really one of the best Kt8... 
Aragon 4004mkII OR Adcom GFA 555 II
Ive owned both. the aragon wont be in your face as much as the adcom. Much more refined sound, its a great amp comparring to more expensive amps, Be careful its very detailed so if you have hot highs already it might put things over the top. 
CAL Alpha and an Equalizer
The attens will Upset the input impedence, Get the Alpha. 
Levinson turn-on thump... normal??
Sounds like a bit of DC is finding its way to the outputs on the levinson. Id Stop using it. 
Melos Audio restoration
Yes i figured something like that happened. I live 1/2 mile from the old shop in las vegas I pass there everyday. I didnt know they kept the equipment and didnt return to the owners. I was In the shop, when it was up and running Will was the main ... 
Amplifier suggestions for Von Schweikert VR4 JR
With rock you will need power. But power with Warmth and demension. Rogue 120's will be a great choice, Vac 70/70, canary ca-339, I have a rogue Zeus available to you that would really drive those fine. Solid state maybe mccormack,or a rowland. I ... 
Upgrade Von Schweikert VR-4 to Dunlavy SC-IV?
I would say its time to upgrade to the Dunlavy. The Vr-4's crossover at 120 or so much of the energy that radiates from the woofers on other speakers comes out of the midranges on the schweikerts, this is for low coloration on certain types of mus... 
Contrast/compare 50W tube amps
Why not give Arthur Salvadors website A look he's got his picks and they are killer, and his ears are not ringing in profit. 
Pass Labs X250.5 compared to X350.5?
Well I know that the 250 uses feedback and the 350 desent need it. 
Altec Lansing A7s Back...
The strong point is the midrange on these and it is spectacular. You can make these sing with good eg. Why not try Model 19 its the home version better sounding and effecient as hell. In my front room I had the following all at once. Altec A7X pai... 
Altec Lansing A7s Back...
Not for 6100 each they are NOT. I purchased these new for 400 each years ago new. These have great midrange projection and effeciency but No low bass, uneaven frequency responmce ringing from the metal horns you name it and they arent built all th... 
Von Schweikert Owners
Thanks for the replys. Yes I should have mentioned vr-8's are upgraded using similar technolagy to the vr-9 and are NOT vr-9's. 15K upgrade 
Bi-Amping, best way??
That should work. let us know how it does. 
845s: To biamp or not
Im not sure but that amp of yours the 845 is pretty darn good and is a very linear tube. Unless there is a crazy load on the lowend id stay with the 845.I run Schweikert vr-8 with 96 db. Was running a rogue 120 with great bass(feedback) got the it...