Responses from hiend2
Running Speakers with amps of minimum output Im not fimilar with your speakers But ive just recived CANARY ca-339 mono blocks Im very happy with. They just had a review in 6moons. Small company but they are very buzy.Good reason they are great amps | |
Tube amp with SS like bass Again trust me Rogue 120's or VTL 300 if Big time power is needed. | |
Infinity Kappa 8's Speakers are drawing too much current. Krell Ksa200,ksa250,ksa300 ect will drive the #$%^ out of them and not even cough. | |
Tube amp with SS like bass Trust Me check out ROGUE 120 MONOS, They will suprize you. Ive put them next to big solid state, Plinius 250, krell ksa250 ect and the rogue is stronger within its power limits.If you need mega power A VTL Deluxe 300 will floor you. Its a great Bi... | |
Is Bi - amping worth the trouble? Why not put all the money In a ecxellent stereo amplifier, instead of several lesser units with signal degrading from external crossover units. | |
Tri-amping speakers - Which amps What speakers or drivers are you using? | |
effect of tubes in cd players tube cd players will have much more air and less congestion in the highs. To me this is a bid deal. | |
Preamp impedance mismatch with McCormack DNA2 Impedance Matching plays a large role in preamp/poweramp matching. More then i had any idea of. System is a Mini max tube preamp with a output impedance of 1200ohm. Amplifier is a rogue zeus input impediance of 100,000 ohms I think.The zeus has 2 ... | |
Plinius SB 300 v Plinius SA 250 MK IV Well my SA250 was a great amp. I have several sets of monoblock tubes and was a nice addition. | |
Sacrilege Going from Tubes back to Solid State Krell ksa 250. very tube like but has solidstate grip on the lows. Ive owned the vtl 300's. very powerful, excellent soundstage layering, grest bass,highs were the weak point.That krell is very close Ksa 250. Actualy the krell imaged better more c... | |
Plinius SB 300 v Plinius SA 250 MK IV Ive owned the Sa250IV nice. Is the 300 run in class A still?? | |
A great article on Class D/switching amps Didnt "class D Start out in proffessional audio amps designed to save space. I wondered how long it would take to trickel down to home audio. ( Not Fo me ). Bass is the strong point | |
Speakers to hang on to for LIFE Von Schweikert VR-8. At 1000lbs for the pair this figures in there as well as bringing the concert home. | |
Kef 107 vs 107/2 I think a upgrade to a seprate power amplifier would be a better Idea and keep the 107. As I remember them they need some good clean power | |
Trying to extract more from my Vandersteen I suggest a pair of Von schweikert Vr-4. Can be had for a very good price and are very transperant with still great bass as you are used to. Many speakers will have more energy up top and might drive you crazy after the vandies. |