

Responses from hiend2

Audio Research D350 info
Hello I bought one a few years ago. There is the 350B which has lit meters ect. Its a 125 lb giant looks cool. The sound isnt really anything special though I was suprized. keep in mind this was from 1977 or so. At the time this thing was KILLER. ... 
differences between tube and solid state designs
Side by side comparision here on Very large schweikert monitors. Rogue 120 monos Kicked the $%^& out of a plinius sa250IV. Whats the best Dielectric Silicon or Air?? You be the judge. 
Tube rolling suggestions
Ive found on a transparent system the 12au7's make a large diffrence on the zeus. to me the RCA Long Black plates are just endlessly listenable, while not ruler flat in responce the width, depth, is just staggering.The rca clear tops are fine on s... 
1970's Audio Research Equipment, worth having?
Well i know this I had the D350II Solid state Power amp was from 1970's. Nothing special at all just heavy. 
VR4 users what are you useing to get the best res
They need to be biwired for starters. Be sure you have the 12 pg setup book and use pink noise for set up not 1K but a wide band 100hz to 1k When correct the ball of noise will knock you over. USE Tubes. Ive have Great results with ROGUE 120 monos... 
Von Schweikert VR4JR Set Up
You need to keep the spikes off > Dont use 1K pink noise its too beammy. I use a pink noise of 100-1K Bandwith. Ive found the Ball of noise is very noticable ate 7 1/2 feet apart center to center and slightly toes in and apox 13-14 foot away. i... 
Von Schweikert VR4jr's in a 15' x 12' Room?
Please Make sure you have von schweikert's 12 page booklet on correct set up. Maybe your speakers came with it If not You Better get it. 7 foot apart is great but you are too close. I have the vr-4 and have speant a great deal of time with bandsid... 
Somebody Help Convert me to tubes
Audible illusions M3a. Very smooth. Tubes will not have the same lowend control your used to but will Blow the sound away in other areas. Ive spent 40,00 over the years. Tubes will not be perfect. There are still going to be recordings that will s... 
Any Rogue Zeus Owners Out There? What Preamp?
The zeus is a pickey unit.To get the best from it tou will require a full sounding pre with extended highs. 
Audible Illusions M3a owners tube life?
You like great audio right? So what are you complaining about. Change them once a year. Ive tryed every NOS. worst is the russian. The BEST Amperex 6dj8. At least in my system. Telefunkin are out of this world also. Amperex are more balanced to my... 
Rogue 88 vs 90
Why not spring for the 120's? I dought there is a huge diffrence between the 2. Boy is these a big diffrence between the 120's and the zeus. There is no " build " problem on this 200 lb amp. 
Rogue Zeus Tube rolling
i had the 120's. Dam do those sound great! I kept saying to myself i dont want to do anything to change this sound. Well i needed more power, so i changed, missed the 120's sound.Went threw 3 large mono block sets including hurricanes dont even co... 
Review: Phase Linear 700b Amplifier
Yes I had one of these new in the late 70's. It will clipp at 625 a side into 8 ohms. It is one hell of a power house. mine built up so much heat I has to run a box fan on it. this is while it was in its cabniet.Also recently had the sries 2 700. ... 
Need advice...driving some vintage JBL's
The rogue is not your average tube amp it sounds like solid state but has added trasparncy of tubes. It will control the lowend just fine.If you really have no reason to leave solid state but want something better try the rogues.Check Audioreview.... 
Need advice...driving some vintage JBL's
That Adcom 5500 is a great performer, smooth ect. Ive owned these along with many Large format JBL's L300 ect.( And Larger ).To me it sounds as if you are going to expect alot of the system. So something dramatic is in order.May I suggest you do s...