

Responses from hiend2

levinson 336
I was mistaken its a 336, Id say by how many ive seen in for servicing its somewhat of a parts/design issue. The 23.5 is much older unit, Ive never seen as service been a requirement/issue... 
ground loop questions
Be sure BOTH lines are on the SAME phase.For monoblocks. Your frontend and digitail you can seperate 
Ground loop feedback
So you have a ground loop with nothing connected to the input of the amps? If so amp needs service. My rogue zeus did that was fine with input connected. When I unplugged the input i got a loud humm. Ended up being input cable and caps. Must have ... 
Crown amps
Yes they are powerful as heck with solid bass. They lack resolution and image Placement and deep soundfield. if this dosent matter that much they are a steal, althogh there are some digital poweramps that are getting close but thay have problems also 
musical fidelity sound?
I have to 308 CD player hooked to pushpull 300B amps driving sensitive speakers. Very neutral, A good place to start. 
dedicated outlet cost
I added 4 dedicated lines. since the breaker box is on the other side of the listing room wall it was a breeze. total cost included isolated ground about 70.00 :) You guys are crazy. 
Bax speaker insurance
Bax Is kind of ODD. On Bax Saver, If you get a online quote it will alert you as to only allowing 500.00 insurance. Fact of the matter is I shipped a Amp with Bax saver,and insured it for 3500... They are TOP NOTCH though Fast Quoted a 250 lb amp ... 
a308 or a5 cd player?
The diffences will be very little. I have the 308. Why not add the External DAC the 21. Nuvistors will be very smooth.The 308 is excellent from top to bottom. Really good but tubes are better, addition of thier 21 should be great.Canary audio make... 
Can you top this customer service?
This supized the heck out of me a recent purchase of a canary amplifer 2 tubes had a bad time in transit,1 broke other flat, contacted comapny 2 fresh replacements no cost at my door. 
Preamplifier: Yes or NO ?
I think active stages have advanced far enough to make most forget about passive. 
Running Speakers with amps of minimum output
Im not fimilar with your speakers But ive just recived CANARY ca-339 mono blocks Im very happy with. They just had a review in 6moons. Small company but they are very buzy.Good reason they are great amps 
Tube amp with SS like bass
Again trust me Rogue 120's or VTL 300 if Big time power is needed. 
Infinity Kappa 8's
Speakers are drawing too much current. Krell Ksa200,ksa250,ksa300 ect will drive the #$%^ out of them and not even cough. 
Tube amp with SS like bass
Trust Me check out ROGUE 120 MONOS, They will suprize you. Ive put them next to big solid state, Plinius 250, krell ksa250 ect and the rogue is stronger within its power limits.If you need mega power A VTL Deluxe 300 will floor you. Its a great Bi... 
Is Bi - amping worth the trouble?
Why not put all the money In a ecxellent stereo amplifier, instead of several lesser units with signal degrading from external crossover units.