

Responses from hiend2

Live Hendrix.....
Yes Electric ladyland. Voodoo Chile is spectacular. Cd or record. Is one of my references Jimmy Right stage Keyboards left front drums sit infront of you You can vision the hight of the marshal stacks. 
$1500 bookshelf speakers with laid-back highs?
What levels do you listen to 
How to properly isolate a turntable?
Only way I got rid of my feedback years ago was to put the table in the next room. this was with a Ariston Rd 110 similar to linn. 
4 ohms to 8 ohm speakers?
Yes sometimes a speakers ratings is a average and could very possibly have dips very well below its 8 ohn rating use the ear to be the judge. 
Speaker Recommendations $2-4k a pair used
Why not stay with the line your in now, The reference 6 or 8'sWill supply all the bass you might need. friend drives them with belcanto 1000 monos and bass is very powerful 
brit guitar heroes
Gary Glitter vocals, Elton John piano, Boy Gorge, hands ;) 
best way for tubes on top???
Get a TVC passive preamp to put between the amp you need to attn. Its a transformer type attenuator and dosenot suffer the typical losses of passives. This should cost you about 300. Yes thats a great idea getting that belcanto out of there for th... 
led zeppelin suggestions on vinyl
Hello. You will want to find a true collector and seek out live tapes made from shows, soundboards ect, there is much crap but there are some really great performances that never make it to record. try looking on the fan sites. I did zappa for yea... 
input sensitivity
Another thing you should be concerned with is input impediance, can make A big difference in overall sound more then most people want to think. 
845 Tube vs KT90
I dont know what amp you heard the 300B's with but they can be stunning in a push pull set upX4. The mids are somewhat colored and the bass is uncontrolled but the highs are very nice indeed, Too bad i ran them into clipping too much so I sold the... 
What happened to all the tube amps?
Well Ill be at CES, To me Lamm is Overpriced. Sorry not for me 
What happened to all the tube amps?
Last year at this time, there were MANY more to choose from, used that is. My Last monos were push Pull 300's X4. Sweet, Need more Current delivery. Only Have 10K now 
Can Manley's Stingray power VonSchweikert vr4 jrs?
The schweikerts love power. I had the vr-4's only thing that really made them sing was VTL 300. 
What happened to all the tube amps?
Used market that is. Cat, atma, dehavaland, even Vtl :) 
What happened to all the tube amps?
No really finally saved up enough to get pretty much anything i want now there pretty much gone. I really think there is a major tube thing going on. Las vegas Nv 89146