
Responses from headphonedreams

CD Player vs. music streaming
I would go with a streamer. Probably rip the cd's you like that you can't find  on the streaming service you use. Many streamers can handle a SD card or an external drive with music  files.You can go for a streamer with built-in dac or buy dac sep... 
Low Cost DACs
Windows 7 is not safe to use anymore. Try to buy a new computer with Windows 10 or get Linux (requires much tech work) or a new Mac (expensive).https://www.lansweeper.com/news/are-you-prepared-for-windows-7-end-of-life/ 
bookshelf speakers to replace my Maggies
If you have the possibility to go to stores in New York you could listen to Boenicke W5 or W8. The W5 is very small and beautiful but sounds much larger than it is. I have heard it at shows and really liked it. The W8 might be better if you have a... 
Wilson Audio for a 1600 sq ft space
I also think MBL 101 would work great. They will surely also get a lot of comments for their looks, people will notice them. See if you can find a used pair.Other than that I think the Kii Three with bass towers could fill a room. The include amps... 
A new (huge) R2R high end DAC in town
Here you can see a full Aries Cerat system. Out of reach for most of us. I don't remember which dac they use but it could be the Kassandra. I have never heard these live but Jana who made the video has heard a lot of systems and seems impressed.ht... 
Upgrade path from Windows laptop music server
I would try something like Uptone Studio ISO Regen.  It can re-clock the usb signal and filter out electrical noice according to their sales info. My dac was upgraded to buffer data long time ago and it improved the sound a lot. 
I heard Fyne Audio, they were very good and have models in many price ranges. 
Forever speakers around $5000
The Dutch & Dutch 8 could be worth a listen, they are fun and small. Costs twice of your budget but includes amp and dac. 
Forever speakers around $5000
I think the DeVore Orangutang O/93 are really good if you can find a used pair.For new speakers I remember being impressed with Audio Solution at a show.  Probably their Figaro M model that was about $5000 new.http://www.audiosolutions.lt/products... 
Beginner Audiophile. How to chose a right amp? Recommendation for my setup?
Steve Guttenburg listed some amps he liked for reasonable sums.https://youtu.be/CApq8h336S0I use a Rega Brio that could work for you. I was thinking about a used Hegel as an alterativ, thay could be an option. 
Another Analog v. Digital Thread? Not Really
Streaming wins on ease and how much music you can access with a subscription. Even if I thought vinyl was better I would want a streamer.I also think the difference in sound quality is small nowdays. 
Another Analog v. Digital Thread? Not Really
@akgwhiz a lot of people thinks that R2R dacs are warmer and better than more common dacs. For very expensive dacs tech does not seem to matter, they perfect whatever they use.I think I heard a Kallista Dreamplay a few days ago, in a very good sys... 
Best speakers out there for Midrange and Highs
Since you have Raidho on your list you could also check out Borresen 01 from the old Raidho designer. A bit more expensive but they are working on a cheaper model. Or get the 03 model that is for sale now on Agon. I have heard the 05 and they were... 
Upgrading my blusound streamer
Naim NDX2 is said to be a really good streamer although expensive. See if you can listen to it somewhere.Then you have Lumin and Aurender. 
Streaming + DAC questions. Please help this noob!
I am not sure the Bluesound is much better than the Beetle, try before you buy.You can also try Audioquest Cobalt and connect to your computer. Or the Chord Mojo or iFi Micro Dac.