

Responses from halcro

ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
"I would say that this Dynavector gets you at least 80% of what a Universe is capable of."Agreed! 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
Dear Dertonarm,My compliments.Being the son of an architect has certainly paid off with a design that even the Bauhaus would be proud of?......but I know that only the laws of physics determined its appearance? :-) 
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
Both Doug and I are avid Universe fans but our experiences with the cartridge differ significantly.Whilst Doug indicates that the Universe is very finicky with set-up and sensitive to even the most microscopic changes to VTA, VTF and loadings, I h... 
Tables That Feature Bearing Friction
I'd be interested in the discussions and ideas about turntable design and the 'pure physics' involved, yet at the same time, I'd imagine the 'real' turntable designers, those who have done the physics and actually produced a saleable commodity, la... 
ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"
I have both the ZYX Universe and the DV1s mounted on different arms on the same turntable and the sounds from both cartridges I find to be almost indistinguishable?If you used the same equipment for your DV1s, I don't see how the Universe could be... 
How old is NBS?
I also heard it was No Bull Shit........and that's not a joke? 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
Sorry Syntax.It was your advice about Witches Brew. Thanks. 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
Here's another one for you Jdaniel.Tchaikovsky Romeo $ Juliet with Strauss Till Eulenspiegel on LSC RCA re-issue.Very demanding (especially the Strauss) but very rewarding if everything is 'singing'? 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
Yes Shane....the DaVinci sings as well as the Copperhead.Agree with you re tonearms and cartridges.Hate to say though, that I've listened a lot to Gryphon pre-amps and amps and find them the least 'tube-like' of any SS I've heard.Long live Elvis :) 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
Hi Shane,Fair point :)I personally love tubes.........and sometimes I don't?It just happens that there are a great many speakers that simply can't be driven adequately by tubes and whilst I hate that, it's a fact of life.With the new generation of... 
New fantastic room but system pissing off neighbor
Sound travel within apartment buildings is a complex yet measurable science.No-one on this Forum will be able to advise you correctly however a qualified Acoustic Engineer should be able to suggest solutions after an in-situ inspection and test se... 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
After your advice Jdaniel, I pulled out Witches Brew and listened to side 1 starting with Arnold's "Tam O'Shanter".This is as demanding as The Pines of Rome and I suddenly realised that I had almost exclusively in the past, only listened to side 2... 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
Congratulations on your system set-up Syntax and a nice tip about Witches Brew.I agree with you that tonearms are critical in the ability to handle 'difficult' records......regardless of the cartridge. 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
I beg to disagree Jaybo.When I hear a 'foreign' system playing my 'known' test records, I'm not comparing the contributions of each component in that unknown system.I'm listening for the ambient clues and nuances inherent in individual tracks or m... 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
That's a great idea Jdaniel!I too would like to compare records which have challenged other systems.I feel many audiophiles though, may be reticent to share these for fear of admitting (or exposing) a weakness in their systems?I hope I'm wrong, fo...