

Responses from halcro

Dynavector DV 20X-L -- which MM will better it?
Raul is so right about this one! It was actually made by Garrott Brothers for A&R and re-badged using a P-77 stylus.Dear Axel,That's a very confusing statement which I can't quite understand?The British A&R P77 MM cartridge came out as I r... 
It costs me $100 a week to listen to vinyl
Dear Axel,I didn't say that I could re-tip a cartridge like Brian Garrot who did it every day.Removing someone's tonsils is not a difficult task for a doctor but I surely could not do it?Your summary of some of the attributes of the MMs opposed to... 
It costs me $100 a week to listen to vinyl
Lewm,A 550RS Spyder??!!.......just about the greatest (and rarest car ever together with a Ferrarri 250 GTO). I am jealous!I've had a '63 Porsche 356B Super (T6) for 20 years having paid $40,000 in 1989 and spending $40,000 over 20 years it is now... 
It costs me $100 a week to listen to vinyl
Dear Axel,I watched Brian Garrot remove and glue a new stylus to the end of the removable magnet of my Garrot P77 which took him about 15 minutes. And he was indeed a craftsman. There was no necessity to go inside the cartridge body and no need to... 
It costs me $100 a week to listen to vinyl
There is a rub, where can you find this stuff and be sure it is still in good nick?! I don't think the cost of a really good re-tip for a MM cartridge involves nearly as much as for a MC?.........so to find a gem from the past and have it re-tippe... 
It costs me $100 a week to listen to vinyl
but that hardly means that you can't get good sound on a budget.Er perhaps you should read my post again? Isn't that what I'm saying? 
Vpi vs. TW Acustic
I listened to the Raven AC a lot of times, well, it is black and heavy.I listened to the Raven AC a lot more times (I have one) and it is colourful and light. IMHO of course? 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
Dear Raul,I spoke too early. Because I had played the Garrott P77s (I have 2) in my system 15 years ago, I forgot that it needed hours of run-in time just as a new cartridge does?My post was lodged after only 3 hours of listening.The sound has now... 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
Dear Raul,I have the 3 motor Raven and I reverse the phase on the preamp.I tried the cartridge loading and it sounded best at 47K just as the Garrott Bros recommend but I didn't hear much difference at 60K although below 40K all the 'highs' became... 
Peak Consult Dragon. Anyone???????
Incidentally, my friend who has the Peak Consults previously had the Rockports and yes.........there is a definite similarity in sound presentation. One that as Mapman describes, seems unlike the majority of other speakers and not to my tastes. 
Peak Consult Dragon. Anyone???????
My impressions of the Peak Consults mirror Mapman's almost identically.These ones were also driven by valves (dozens of 300Bs).May just not be a good match? 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
The more accurate system is the one which reproduces more differences – more contrast between the various program sources.Having swapped in a Garrott P77 MM cartridge for my ZYX Universe a few days ago, I find a diminution of the differences betwe... 
Are our 'test' records adequate?
We then compound our mistake by raising these recordings to reference status (pace prof. Johnson), and seek this ‘correct’ presentation from every system we later evaluate; and if it isn’t there, we are likely to dismiss that system as incorrect. ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Hi David,I bought the Vampire wire from John at the Cable Company. Not the most expensive as I recall but lots of copper!I have separate runs from the speaker terminals to:- The wooferThe Mid Duelund Capacitor and then the Mid/WooferThe Tweeter Du... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I agree that wire is important.I used Vampire internal speaker wire which was quite cost effective but who knows what the Duelund wire adds to the equation?