

Responses from halcro

Do you think you need a subwoofer?
Raul,Here is the link from Two Subwoofers - comb effect.http://www.harman.com/wp/pdf/multsubs... 
How to soundproof my turntable?
George, I suggest you read the forum by clicking on the following link http://www.avguide.com/forums/turntable-isolation-platformAnd if you wish to delve further then http://www.avguide.com/forums/sound-transmissionThe views of Jonathan Carr, whil... 
Two Subwoofers... Comb Effect
Sorry....I meant thanks Duke! 
Two Subwoofers... Comb Effect
Thanks Todd,That Harmon International link is not only interesting....it is the first quasi scientific documentation that appears to prove that multi subs are the only real way to go. 
Do you think you need a subwoofer?
Raul,There are scientific studies done that show that 4 subwoofers are better than 2. Of course they ran a computer plot to show that the ideal in a SMALL rectangular room was 5000 subs.....not much room for the listeners however :) 
Dynavector cartridge upgrade decision
I have the XV1s also, and you will not be disappointed if you buy it. However I also have the ZYX Universe .24 Copper, and it has an emotional response unlike any cartridge I've ever heard. Oh yes......it also has one of the sweetest most liquid t... 
Da Vinci Grandezza
Have been using the 12" Grandezza ona Raven AC-3 for nearly a year now. This link may help http://forums.avguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=3585 
L'Art record cleaning solution
Philjolet,Correct...........I now use only the steamer and a final water rinse. No cleaning solution! I find it cheaper and better. 
L'Art record cleaning solution
I have both L'Art du Son AND a steam cleaner. Without the steam cleaning, L'Art du Son was the best of the cleaning fluids I used however when I mixed up a litre batch and kept it for future use, after 6 months there was murky black fungus wafting... 
Do you think you need a subwoofer?
Raul, whilst I may query your selection of turntables and arms on occasion, I must tell you how right you are about the utilisation of two subwoofers over one.For 10 years I had a single REL Stadium II subwoofer integrated in my system and was qui... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Volleyguy, I had a Kebschull valve pre-amp immediately before the Halcro, with a Perraux 1850 power amp. A Rega Planar 3 with Hadcock GH228 Unipivot arm had been my analogue source since 1979. The speakers have been with me for 30 years albeit now... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Glad to hear your VSF Duelund caps are coming on song Volleyguy. Stick with them, I don't think you'll find anything so transparent and grainless.....and that's as much as you can ask of a cap? Click onto my system and see if you have any questions? 
Vandersteen 2WQ vs Martin Logan Depth
I've just added 2 Vandersteen 2Wqs to my system and the improvements are incredible. Here's the link http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?vaslt&1205390334&openflup&15&&mark#15 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
My VSF caps instantly sounded pure, tranparent and very musical. They did not appear to 'break-in' very much after the first few days so I'm surprised by Storman's comments? 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
The large capacitor is 44uF whilst the smaller one is 5.6uF.The drive unit pictured is a 5 1/4" Scanspeak Mid/Woofer which the 44uF crosses to at 950Hz whilst the Tweeter crosses at 4750Hz.I could have bought the Cast capacitors instead of the VSF...