

Responses from halcro

Double width studs for isolation?
Correction.....I am getting old!?STC Ratings are in Decibels (dB) and thus are logarithmic.Therefore the improvement of 37STC to 60STC is more than a TRIPLING in acoustic performance. 
Double width studs for isolation?
Staggered/double studs plus 2 layers of super-dense drywall (Firewall) both sides as well as fibreglas internal insulation will give the best sound-insulation for the adjoining room. This sound-insulation is called STC (Sound transmission Class) R... 
Adding a second sub
Dwhitt,I suggest you do some reading of existing topics on this Forum before displaying your ignorance?There are posters here who actually know something about what they write. 
Last song on most LP's pressed with compression
I thought so! 
What should be under my speakers?
Buconero is right.........and wrong!Spike the speakers directly to the wooden floorboards.The objective is NOT to 'couple' the speakers to the floor, but to DE-COUPLE them whilst at the same time creating a stable, unmoving, balanced speaker box.T... 
Last song on most LP's pressed with compression
Reb,You conveniently forgot to enlighten us on your turntable/arm/cartridge combination and the protractor tools you use to set up the alignment of your arm/cartridge?Incidentally, I can easily hear the the 18K Hertz tone on the Stereophile Test CD. 
Turntable - On the Wall or to the Floor?
Don't worry about paintings or other items attached to the wall Kenny.It's important to use strong metal brackets into the studs (or masonry) and then an MDF, plywood or wooden shelf on the metal brackets.You then simply need spikes between the sh... 
What makes for a "great" turntable?
That's a passionate response Dolph and in a way, I know what you mean.However on this issue, we'll have to agree to 'disagree'?I believe the last 10-15 years have seen some significant advances in the thought and design of turntables, arms and car... 
Any cables that give more bass
"I would NEVER use a signal coming off a subwoofer that would ultimately drive my main speakers."Neither would I..........by connecting the subs via the main speakers' terminals or the amps output terminals, you are not doing what you suggest you ... 
Last song on most LP's pressed with compression
"If you can't hear this on your rig (with an LP that is cut compressed on the last track- not all are)then no doubt your system is not resolved enough."Hmmm........I don't hear it on ANY records so I guess I need to get rid of those damn arms (Cop... 
Any cables that give more bass
I also agree with ghstudio and Tvad.Many self-powered subwoofers connect via the main speakers connections or via the amplifiers output terminals so having a sub output on the amp is irrelevant. 
Koetsu vs Dynavector
I agree with Audiofeil.After more than 30 years of serious listening and only recently having acquired the Continuum Copperhead and DaVinci 12" Reference Grandezza, I have come to the realisation that the tone-arm is more important than the cartri... 
Koetsu vs Dynavector
PS Rloggie,I just LOVE your system!I also had many years ago, the Clearaudio Concerto cartridge which you are running, and was very pleased with it. 
Koetsu vs Dynavector
Rloggie,Whilst the ZYX Universe shares almost all of the DV1s' sonic vitues (solid bass, realistic mids and etherial highs), in every arm I've mounted it and on both TTs I've used it, it has the ability (unique amongst all the cartridges I've ever... 
Koetsu vs Dynavector
Well you're in luck Dan......I had at one time, a Koetsu Urishi and I now have a Dynavector DV1s as well as a ZYX Universe.I must say that you are certainly contemplating 2 radically differently sounding cartridges and your preferences will be gre...