

Responses from halcro

Record Cleaning Machine RCM
Hi Axel,I have had the Hannl (from TW Acustic) for 2 years and I love it. Very quite compared to the competition.I haven't got the roller power arm that you have.......but I gues it's retro-fitable to any Hannl machine? 
Establishing a common analog listening bias
So let's not discuss it at all? 
Establishing a common analog listening bias
Dear Stiltskin,Maybe Axel and I both have poor modern re-issues of the Belafonte, but we are both hearing the same things in the 'applause' department and I think a lot of it is due to the fact that this recording is a compilation of at least 2 (a... 
Establishing a common analog listening bias
Hi Daniel Axel and Stiltskin,side one on the Royal Ballet set is dead on perfect phase - the other 3 sides are not. A common problem with many major classical recordings in the period from 1958 to 1963 That's incredible information Daniel. How do ... 
Establishing a common analog listening bias
Hi Axel,Whilst the full set of The Royal Ballet is good, for some reason side 1 of record 1 is better than the others and as you so rightly claim, it is perhaps the most realistic, sublime and convincing recording of the full symphonic orchestra a... 
Establishing a common analog listening bias
I think this could be related to the thread "Are our test records adequate?" Are our test records adequateThe great records should sound wonderful on ALL systems and I'd suggest:-The Royal Ballet-Ansermat-RCA Victor-Record 1 side 1La Folia-Paniagu... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
You're going well Daniel.........but I didn't mean for you to be cryptic with your knowledge?Give us the full Detonarm information ego....... just a little less of the dogma?Tcheuss Henry 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Dear Daniel,I really like you and your passionate views and find your postings most entertaining.For all I know, you may be right about the fact that the FR60 series of tonearms are the best that have ever been built, and I don't doubt that in you... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
When you need to spend a lot of money, because you feel better that you can afford something the other one can't, fine too. Most do that. Strange statement Syntax, from someone with 8 of the most expensive tonearms and 7 of the most expensive cart... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
All else took a piece of pipe and bend it so as to get the off-set angle, put a 'compass gimble' plus a counter weight.I agree with you Axel.Daniel, to say the physics governing the behaviour of tonearms hasn't changed is very simplistic and sligh... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
I disagree that the prices of 'new' tonearms is high.Apart from the incredible investment in research and computer and materials modeling by a company like Continuum for their Cobra and Copperhead arms which sell in very small volumes, I believe i... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
Dear Daniel,I believe these are among the few key features of any great pivot tonearm design. All truely great pivot tonearms do have these 4 in common (except the Graham Phantom - which I would include in my list).The DaVinci does not have azimut... 
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
Hi Kirkus,because the side-effect of the twisting is an increase in cable capacitance, which is exactly what we DON'T want for our MM cartridge. This is fascinating for me right at this moment due to the fact that I have just mounted a Garrott P77... 
What is a good bookshelf
One that doesn't sag under the weight? 
should speakers be coupled or decoupled?
Markphd, I admire your immense patience. Of course spikes are the correct way to 'de-couple' speakers from the floor upon which they sit and I have answered many posts about placing squash balls beneath and timber platforms etc until I now just ig...