

Responses from halcro

Direct Drive turntables
I agree with Raul in this case and he makes some salient points about 'evidence' or lack thereof vs theoretical postulations.I also think it 'big' of him to recant as I seem to recall that up to a year or so ago he was a keen supporter of clamps?W... 
Weighting down Vandy 2wq's?
I have done that on your previous advice Johnnyr and I appreciate your knowledge and 'secrets' for extracting the very best from the Vandersteen 2Wqs.Their performance in my system is sublime after all your help. 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
I have heard both the Rockport Sirius III and the Continuum Caliburn in the same room and system (but different speakers) sounding rather poorly.A 'great' turntable is no guarantee of great sound. The other fundamentals must be in place firstly IM... 
Weighting down Vandy 2wq's?
Interesting HiFiman5,Are your 2Wqs sitting on their spikes on carpet on floorboards or on concrete floor? 
Cartridge Loading
If plug-n-play better suits your style, I'd suggest sticking to MM's. You'll save both money and time. LOMC's not only cost more, they take more work if you care about sound (and I assume you do, else you wouldn't have asked). I hate to disagree (... 
DaVinci tonearm and azymuth
Psag,Another thought occurred to me.The DaVinci VTA Tower is elevated by a threaded rod operated from the top of the pivot housing.Once you are happy with the VTA alignment, you must lock the base clamp in and then RETRACT the adjustable threaded ... 
DaVinci tonearm and azymuth
Hi Daniel,Only 6 degrees below??........that MUST be global warming!Here in Sydney, after a hot Spring, we are having a cool start to Summer.Of course Doug and Daniel are correct and perfect azimuth is great to achieve.I have never had a visual di... 
DaVinci tonearm and azymuth
I think the DaVinci head shell is machined dead flat and with the pivot point being contained in its jewelled double gimbal bearing, it ain't moving anywhere out of alignment.The problem is of course, that not all cartridge bodies are as perfectly... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Axel,"Isolated from fixing bolts, aye!!!"This is very difficult to accomplish with the Garrott P77.What if you use 'non-magnetic' ie aluminium fixing bolts and nuts?Do you still get a 'hum' problem? 
Tonearm cabling for Graham Phantom
Has anyone heard the Phantom II with the Nordost Tyr phono cable? 
NOS cartridges
Could somebody please find Laura?I haven't seen an article or heard about her in nearly 10 years or so.Perhaps she reached her expiration date? 
da Vinci Grandezza MC cartridge in VPI 12.7 arm
Go to the DaVinci website. They should have it there.If not contact them by Email and Jolanda or Peter will answer you immediately. 
Phono Stage Question
In my Halcro DM10 preamp, the MM/MI phono stage has adjustable Capacitance and Resistance.I find that changing the resistance has a far greater subjective effect on the sound of the cartridge that the Capacitance (all things being equal).The disto... 
Double down, good or bad?
As Atmasphere says.....it's not really a tube vs transistor thing.The Halcro amps do not double power as the the impedance halves and Bruce Candy is a 'disbeliever' in very low impedance speakers thus his amps do not perform well into 'difficult' ... 
Do subwoofers really help?
I would hesitate to suggest that a subwoofer can cure a 'mismatch' between amp and speakers. It's really only when your amp and speakers are as perfectly matched to each other as possible, that subwoofers can add that extra dimension of low-end fo...