

Responses from halcro

Best TT plinth material, cost no object
Dear Raul,Till today IMHO and with all respect to everybody we only have or are: charlatans on the subject.I don't believe that there IS a "best" TT plinth material.Just as there are tonearms made of aluminium, titanium, wood, carbon-fibre and pla... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Montepilot,My phonostage only goes up to 60K loading so that's where the Garrott P77 is loaded to. I achieve best sound with the M20FL at well below 47K Ohms so I believe you should hear very fine sound at 47K.As Raul says....it's all system-depen... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul,Yes, my Halcro DM10 Phonolinepreamp allows infinitely variable Resistance between 10K Ohms and 60K Ohms and infinitely variable Capacitance between 70uF and 490uF for MM/MI.I find the Resistance settings very easy to hear even whilst sta... 
How do you chose speakers based on room size?
Wow Duke.Thanks for that explanation about varying thermal compression of drivers.It suddenly makes a whole lot of experiences I have had listening to speakers, understandable.RegardsHenry 
REVIEW:Raven AC-3+Davinci+Copperhead
Thanks for the kind words Gerry.I don't think anyone has heard the new TW arm as the first prototype has only just been made to my knowledge?The DaVinci 12" Ref Grandezza is a hard arm to beat (as it should be at its price) but for half the price,... 
Is Hi-fi getting more expensive?
That makes it unanimous.......Eee3 is a dolt! 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Well, like Shane, I have just mounted my M20FL on the Phantom II (but no RFI or ground loop), and with less than 10 hours on the cartridge, I have to confirm what Raul and everyone has said about this wonderful little jewel.For less than $200 ever... 
Speed Stability
Thanks Doug.Your report and descriptions are clear, concise and invaluable for those of us who aren't fortunate enough to have attended.RegardsHenry 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Dear Thuchan,I would be delighted to talk with you or if you stop at Sydney I could meet you as well?My home number is 612 93871875 or mobile (0)450291747.I look forward to touching bases?RegardsHenry 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Hi Sam,As Tuchan says, the chrome cylinder is in fact the support for the arm pivot and is the method for raising and lowering the VTA of respective arms.Wow Tuchan, I didn't know you were moving so quickly?Did you see (hear) anything of interest ... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Tuchan,I wouldn't recommend using any stand other than the Castellon for the Caliburn as that is the only floor-mounted stand that equals a good wall-mounted shelf and this was told to me by the Caliburn Designer Mark Doehmann.This link will show ... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
Thuchan,I'm not sure what you mean by...."it is not a plug & play table"?The table comes with the Cobra arm mounted so all you need to do is plug in the vacuum module and the speed controller, install your cartridge and play. Two days to build... 
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth?
but seems to me by its designs that maybe the most important " weight " in the overall Caliburn performance comes/culprit by the Cobra tonearm, who knows?I know......having heard the Caliburn/Cobra extensively and having the Continuum Copperhead m... 
Candidates for tonearm cable for phantom arm
2nd the Nordost Tyr.......and Bob Graham himself likes it! 
Moby concert and ear damage?
Those low-frequency synths sound plausible.Do you know how they produce the low frequencies and how low they actually go?