

Responses from halcro

Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Interesting comments about current and past tonearm designs and their suitability for MM/MI cartridges.I find that differences with LOMC cartridges between my 3 primary arms (Phantom II, DaVinci Grandezza 12" Ref and Continuum Copperhead) are quit... 
Graham Phantom MK2 with Micropoise question
I have a Phantom II and XV1s and have found the best results on my Raven AC-3 to be when the arm is perfectly parallel with the platter ie the bubble on the Micropoise is dead centre and the VTF is 1.9gm. 
Graham Phantom DV XV-1s setup question
Hi Smoffatt,On the Phantom II with Micro-poise, when you unscrew the knurled chrome cover to access the pivot damping well, the bottom of the 'shank' where it changes from circular profile to square (and then pointed), is coloured blue.This may no... 
Graham Phantom DV XV-1s setup question
Agree mostly with Bill.I like my XV1s at 1.9 gms VTF, loaded at 220 ohms. Phantom II arm level with the platter and damping fluid up to blue mark as recommended by Bob Graham. 
VPI JMW 12.7 Spindle/pivot distance
HW is pretty active of late on Vinyl Asylum 
Phantom B44 overhang concern
Also, depending on your turntable, the spindle to pivot distance of the arm, may not be 100% accurately set thus resulting in some adjustment required in the overhang geometry? 
Phantom B44 overhang concern
You seem to be suggesting that all cartridges, for all alignment geometries, should have their screws in the centre of the fixing slots?If that were so, why have the slots?You'll find different cartridges and different geometries will be accommoda... 
Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?
Thanks for the clarification Raul.What I gather you are saying......is that your 'test' tracks are really used for a system 'diagnosis'. In other words, to assure yourself that the turntable/arm/cartridge combination is setup to its optimum capabi... 
Is There An "Absolute" Best Cartridge?
I tend to agree with Shane on the issue of 'judgement' according to 'favourite test material'.Raul, you have assembled and refined your entire system so that it suits your tastes as precisely and happily as is currently possible.This does not impl... 
How low is a piano?
Don't forget the harmonics extend way higher. 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Lew,I'll be very interested in your opinion on the Empire 1000ZE/X when you have listened?From my experience it sounds just great out of the box which might throw you a bit, and it gets even better.To start with, I'd try it at higher than Raul's 1... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Dear Raul and Lewm,This IMHO is due that the MM/MI performance has lower inherent distortions or at least the kind of distortions are less agressive to our mind/brain and this sole characteristi makes a " diffrence " for the better.I am now undeni... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi Downunder,I've found the Empire 1000ZE/X sounds best in my system with 'arse' up....although only slightly. Nothing like the Garrott P77 or Ortofon M20FL.Also loading makes a huge difference and 60K Ohms (the max I can give it), sounds just gre... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Well Raul is correct.I managed to 'win' a NOS Empire 1000ZE/X at an EBay auction 5 weeks ago and for 4 weeks have been resisting the urge to 'proclaim' it 'The King' for fear of being premature?Well the time has come as I have over 30 hours on the... 
I just started up my new turntable
Everyone talks about cartridge break-in, cable break-in, electronics break-in and speaker break-in but no-one mentions turntable break-in?This is a mechanical/electrical appliance with spindles, seating, bearings, motor/s and connections.Why shoul...