
Responses from guidocorona

Opinions on Rowland 302 vs musical fidelity m8 700
In fairness, the only thing that M302 shares with M312 is... The chassis. The majority of internals are quite different. 
Opinions on Rowland 302 vs musical fidelity m8 700
Hi, I have heard the Rowland M302 several times. It is a very sweet and musical amp, which however suffers of an excess of "politeness". I fell in love instead with the M302 successor, called M312, which I used for several years, before upgrading ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
All, concerning the Daemon uber-integrated... I do not have complete information from the factory yet. But the core of the output stage might contain, amongst other things, a very high end Pascal module... No, this is not at all the one used in Ro... 
Esoteric K-03X Runin RCA & XLR Outputs Separately?
Hy Zephyr, what does 8X do that is not completely of your liking?G. 
Esoteric K-03X Runin RCA & XLR Outputs Separately?
Hi Bluewolf.... Unfortunately, I have no experience at all with 8X upsampling options... If the progressive pattern of smoothing and opening up found on 0X, 2X, and 4X holds true on 8X, you might find the setting preferable to 4X. On the other han... 
Esoteric K-03X Runin RCA & XLR Outputs Separately?
Turn on 4X upsampling and S_dly2 filter... Give the player 500 hours of further break-in. You should experience the hardness to disappear, while sound will gain stage, solidity, imaging, frequency extension, and musicality. If this setting were no... 
Unsatisfied with Esoteric K-01: Alternatives?
JAFont, X-03 and X-03 SE is a very slightly trickled-down implementation of the X-01 former flagship single box player.... The DV series was created for a lower end mid-tier market.... Yes, there is a noticeable sonic difference between the X seri... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt, I am so proud to be a member of the rarified community of your certifiable crazy friends... Whether our symptomatology conforms to the canonic chronic model, or ours is a boundary acute degenerative case, I venture to say that we do all reac... 
Best Media Player
Hi Stewart, besides the obvious price advantage, what made you opt for Bryston instead of Aurender?Guido 
Unsatisfied with Esoteric K-01: Alternatives?
George, I'm really sorry to hear that.... Filters on K-01 do a great deal of work. I agree that without filters and with no upsampling, the sound of K-01 is something that only its Moma could love.Yet, the 5 filter options combined with the upsamp... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Bill is correct.... Worth pointing out that M625 S2 and original, M725, M825, and M925 all make use of PFC rectifiers that feed high voltage DC current in the SMPS. Furthermore, it seems that M625 S2 is a substantial re-design under the hood... So... 
Unsatisfied with Esoteric K-01: Alternatives?
Hi George, which filter / upsampling settings on K-01 did you find unsatisfactory? G. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
I suspect that if T&F enjoy high synergy with the lovely Veritas, they would sound absolutely amazing with my Rowland M925 monos. Like Veritas, M925 use NCore NC1200 technology in the output stage. M925 overall design pushes the performance of... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Gear, must be the Summer work-stressers getting on to me... Mine was only a very mild encouragement for Matt to consider audiophilic poly-somethingery or rather.... I'll be fully PC again tomorrow *grins!* 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hmmmm... Matt, You seem to be in the horrid position of having fallen in love with two divine girls! ... Oops, I meant speakers!Which one will be your girlfriend... Double Oops, so sooorry, I meant... Which one will you choose?May be... Marry both...