
Responses from guidocorona

Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hey David, which Cardas wires did not work in your system, and what did they do that was not right?G. 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
Henrycai, you might have misunderstood my post... It was meant in pure jest.... It is not a metaphore for a real situation... It is a pure fantasy. Do not take it seriously. G. 
what amp under a grand?
Hi Jughead, does the Musical Design amp run balanced or single ended?Saluti, Guido 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hi Gary, of course I remember *smiles!* ... All's well under the Sun on my side... having lots of fun evaluating the High Fidelity power cords designed by Rick Schultz... Truly amazing stuff in their own right.In recent times I have extended my fi... 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
Ah, I now understand... You got the K-03M version.... It is a special build for the US navy.... It works best on frigates and destroyers under heavy seas... I'm surprised that Anthony got hold of one of these extremely rare spec ops units optimize... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Are you saying that your Shunyata PCS are older than Zitrons? Older series are a little warmer than Zitrons... Zitrons are even more linear than CX. At the same time, Zitron PCs are richer in harmonics.... I have not tried yet the latest Alphas an... 
Cardas Clear Beyond Power cords
Hi Garebear , which Shunyata PC did you find to be a little thin? 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Gaia forbid... Matt, I sure do not wish you to "Go gentle into that good night" of integrated powered subs, not even after listening to the immortal song by Igor Stravinsky *grins!* 
Norm, the descent of the Northern Brbarians on College Station was mentioned as a possible interesting excursion sometimes in the fall... The topic was mentioned as a "BTW" for approximately 10 seconds... It might involve possibly visiting you... ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hi Matt, what electronics were driving the Joseph Audio Pearls? Guido 
Thank you Norm, I'll visit College Station as soon as the Texas DOT issues me a driver's license... Have to wait until I can obtain an ocular transplant... The Dinosaurs at DOT insist that they won't take action until I can see the road in front o... 
High Fidelity Cables -- A revelatory experience
Fabulous... Do keep us posted. Are your Valhalla PCs the original series, or are they Valhalla 2? G. 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
Uhrn... Before stomping of feet, shredding of clothing and the likes, I recommend calling tech support. BTW, I have seen on rare occasion my own X-01 developing a case of locked jaw... Turning the machine off, disconnecting it from the AC and reco... 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
Unless things have changed under Integra, for warranty work, customer pays for outbound transportation, and Esoteric pays for return ground transportation. I recommend that before anything else you contact Integra tech support:Email:Esoteric-Servi... 
Hi Rob, thank you for your kind words... As you know, I just love driving my friends into financial irresponsibility *grins!*you had some great contenders in your thorough in-home audition... Merrill Veritas monos, Rowland Continuum S2 integrated,...