
Responses from guidocorona

High Fidelity Cables -- A revelatory experience
Mapman, I suffer from DAC (Degenerative Audiophrenic Chorea).... 'Tis a sad story. See: 
High Fidelity Cables -- A revelatory experience
Hi Pete, you are right... The top of the line High Fidelity cables are painfully pricy. What I am trying out is the base CT-1 series, which lists approximately 0.16% of those uber-cables.G. 
High Fidelity Cables -- A revelatory experience
Thank you Roxy and Albert, I write the way I hear it. Fact is that I am excruciatingly picky about sound and music... Liking High Fidelity wires was completely unexpected. Certainly taught me something about keeping an open mind.The next instalmen... 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
Hi Taylor, how many hours on your REF600 pair? Seems to me that the NCore NC500 module might require at least 500 hours of signal grinding in order to deliver its very best performance.Guido 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
All, sorry for OT... A couple of months ago I started to play with the High Fidelity CT-1 power cords designed by Rick Schultz in Dallas (TX).... Ah yes, thank you Harve FPlanner2000 for the suggestion. I was somewhat skeptical before connecting t... 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
Hi Richard, you are absolutely right, M125 does not deliver the current required to drive demanding speakers like your Ariel 7Ts... It is more suited for speakers with more moderate handling requirements.G. 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
Sebastian is correct... So one more datapoint... ICEpower has not been relegated to the refuse-pile of history by any means... There are today new amp designs based on newest ICEpower modules that are said to have amazing musical performance. One ... 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
Hi Mapman.Yes in theory you are correct... ICEPower 1000ASP, at least in theory, supplies 25% greater power than NCore NC1200. In my own system, NC1200 amps tend to create even more authority, a larger stage and images than 1000ASP machines... Go ... 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
I agree with Bill... With the premise that I have not heard REF600 yet, I have found REF1000 Mk.2 to perform comfortably above REF500... And every NCore amp that I have listened to this far has comfortably outperformed the admittedly lovely REF100... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Thank you George, how about citing the top "very well implemented R2R Ladder Multibit dac's" that you are most fond of?Regards, G. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hi Coli, could you explain the word "incorrect" as referred to your former Direct Stream DAC? G. 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
Spoke with John Stronczer, he confirmed that REF600 has an internal 27/33db dip switch. According to him, the higher gain may be particularly indicated when the amp is driven directly from some lower gain DACs.John has also confirmed that each REF... 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
Sebastian, gain option is featured on the official product specs listed on the device page. I suspect that if the switch were a no-op because of some inherent NCore limitations, Mr. Stronczer would not have bothered with it... But I will ask him d... 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
Hi Audiozen, I'll try to find out what NCore module there is inside REF500. As for power supply, I have heard that each mono chassis sports its own Hypex NC1200/700 SMPS, which is powerful enough to support even the full blown 400W 38A peak curren... 
Theta Prometheus Monoblock vs Bryston 7BSST2
Hi YYZSantabarbara, a comparison of Veritas and Prometheus would make interesting reading.... But it is more likely that you will continue to find reviews that are targeting one product at a time.... You might need to continue drawing your own com...