
Responses from guidocorona

Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Matt, you are a real pessimist... You do not take into account the repulsive effect of the Dark Force on the standard gravitational interaction of our Galaxy and M31. We will have some exciting times some 2 billions years from now, when we are fin... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Asindc, in New Jersey where Matt lives, it is now the noon hour. There are still a full 12 hours to his Friday... I am confident that Matt will post more findings whenever he has time. Even a few more days of wait are little compared to the life o... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
What makes SD technology immune to jitter?G. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Keith, retail pricing of HFC Pro series is found at: 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
"Car analogies only get you so much mileage."Geoff, I "resemble" that comment!!!! That's exactly why my next car will be the Prius 2016... 60 miles per gallon *grins!* ... With standard audio setup, BTW.Matt.... IMO, before you indulge in further ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hmmm... What would these "quality parts" be?G. 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
Hi JAFant, on my Esoteric X-01, I am using the Hi Fidelity Cables (HFC) CT-1 Ultra PC with incredibly musical and resolving results.... Before that was the base CT-1 and the Nordost Valhalla II that also are fantastic wires. You will not go wrong ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hi Matt, according to my materials, there is no indication of use of an Analog Devices AD 1955 DAC chip in the Rowland Aeris. Some dated secondary internet sources mention an Analog Devices AD1853 instead.Regardless, I continue to listen and enjoy... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Thank you Audiolabirynth, Veritas is a very lovely amp. Worth listening in one's own home. Norm is a fine reviewer... BTW, we are both very fond of the HFC wire products designed by Rick Schultz in Dallas. The HFC Ultra PCs do amazing thing to my ... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hi Norm, I agree with you... If you have already evaluated in your own system a well broken in Merrill Veritas, Bel canto Black, Rowland Continuum S2, Daemon, and M825 in your system, and found them all to fall short of your nirvanic goals, then i... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Norm, as Matt said, today's class D amps can be a far cry from the uninspiring sound of early low end class D devices common during the early part of the last decade.Mind you, class D has the same potential for magic and horridity as any other cla... 
Theta Prometheus Monoblock vs Bryston 7BSST2
Hmmm... I was really thinking about the miniscule AC bill... The initial capital investment remains... Uhrn... Audiophrenic madness *grins!* 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
I believe that the Rowland amp that replaced the Lampi was the newly redesigned M625 S2. Same amp used in Jeff's own uber system at the Rowland factory which Matt listened to.G. 
Theta Prometheus Monoblock vs Bryston 7BSST2
Right on Jon, my old hearing is clearly impaired *grins!*Actually, I examine amps one brand at a time, and one model at a time.Currently, my favorite uber amps sound comes from Acoustic Research, Brmester, Solution, and yes... Rowland. Any of thes... 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Hi Denon1, would love to help you locate a knowledgeable Rowland dealer... I tried to send you a PM, but for some odd reason, was not able to open the PM link at all. Why don't you try to send me a PM instead...Meantime, here is the link to the Ro...