
Responses from grislybutter

Magico's M9
some houses cost that much, it better have a nice view  
Concerning high end audio names in new cars
A maker is totally at the mercy of the varying, hugely challenging acoustics/materials in the myriad of car models or they get a car, fully completed and they can tweak their system to sound the best  
Concerning high end audio names in new cars
20 years ago I bought a new car with Bose, it was incredible. Better than anything I had heard before in any car.   
Recommendations for against the wall high efficiency speakers
some high sensitivity speakers: brand name model price sensitivity impedance Paradigm Premier 100B 399 90 8 Indiana TESI 261 450 91 4 Usher s-520 475 ... 
Best Receiver?
I had the Marantz 2252B and 1060, they both sound great. Not easy to pair with speakers, but when they do, they are very detailed and musical  
What's the point of reviewing?
I must say that the Linton is so overrated.   
Is there a ceiling limit on what you are willing to pay for an audio component?
I should have (and do have) other priorities, goals and hobbies that cost money. So it's easy to say, if I had $x, I would spend x/10 on audio. The flipside is diminishing returns. If I bought new speakers, significantly better ones than current o... 
What happened to all the highend stereo shops
I feel like it's a management and communication problem. People, old and young, male, female, black, white, any and all minorities love music. Manufacturer's web sites are horrible, listening to systems is nearly impossible, how would someone with... 
What happened to all the highend stereo shops
@emergingsoul  on that note, the manufacturers' web sites are horrible. Impossible to figure out which way is up. Data is out of date, no prices, no consistent, comparable info. UX from the 90s.  
What happened to all the highend stereo shops
weird moderation for sure. The crazy dude's ranting stayed for the most part, and my response removed. 😂  
Final? ARC Chapter...
so happy end? I didn't read all the details. Both Acora and ARC need a designer to make them not look like they were shaped with an axe  
What happened to all the highend stereo shops
@thefile  None of my comments were removed as @ghasley  said.  Regardless, many think I don't belong to this forum and I often agree with that 😊    
How Long Is Too Long?
@mofojo  I was first annoyed and then relieved. It became more and more painful to deal with this shop and I had to let it go. The guy became so arrogant (despite my continued patronage for over a decade, putting up with his weirdness and terms) ... 
What happened to all the highend stereo shops
it. should. not. have. been. removed. We need to remind ourselves how as humans we have "evolved"  
What happened to all the highend stereo shops
"I am speechless" is an understatement :)