
Responses from grislybutter

most beautiful (looking) speakers
@scotandholly pretty interesting speakers, not sure about the pink, but definitely cool design!  
Salk Future TBD
this is horrible, is my first impression, for such a well regarded brand. I don’t understand this: They simply did not feel confident they could market speakers at prices what marketing? Salk is such a well-known brand, if you build it, they w... 
Would It Be Possible To Get Help Finding This Song?
yeah, for me, FoxNews is not news but some form of entertainment from imaginary facts, but that has nothing to do with the song. When I hear a song, I memorize the lyrics and find it, there are decent sites to search  
Do my ears deceive me??
I would say ditch the old speakers and buy something way more expensive  
Picking Speakers 20k-30k
@ronboco @gordon  just curious, did they just "update" the price, or they changed the speakers too?  
Picking Speakers 20k-30k
@firstonetallguy I built a database of the following (mostly to just share with audiophiles and help my understanding) most (90%) audiophile speaker companies in Europe and North America, with all the company info - about 90 companies their chea... 
Picking Speakers 20k-30k
@brewerslaw you seem to care about WAF and looks, this is all about looks:  
Picking Speakers 20k-30k
@gordon got it, thanks!  I guess I am not 26K short of buying it then :)  
Picking Speakers 20k-30k
@gordon I am looking at several pricelist, all for 26 or 28K. But they may be out of date. Just no one cared to remove them. It's hard to impossible to find up to date pricelists from Rockport's distributor list. Zero prices published.  Are you s... 
Picking Speakers 20k-30k
@brewerslaw  I read a lot of reviews and heard a few of them. But overall, I know nothing about 20K+ speakers. I know about 1-4K speakers, and that's what I have a database for. I just collected some info on all audiophile brands. I am intereste... 
What does it take to be a die hard Beatles fan?
@stuartk  I mean the garden and I mean he went there a lot and supported it financially. Whether he had any input into the garden ($, design, etc.) I don't know. I just imagine in a whatever vague, spiritual sense he did. I go there a lot but it ... 
Picking Speakers 20k-30k
@brewerslaw adding a sub to a bookshelf/monitor depends on the space, your bass preferences and budget. I personally wouldn't, didn't - but tried. Some bookshelves have base that's pretty full and heavy and better than messing with a sub.   One ... 
What does it take to be a die hard Beatles fan?
@stuartk I mean he was very involved with the development  
Inexpensive streaming amplifier
@jbuhl  I am in the same boat, setting up a system for my daughter. My budget is way lower than a $1000.  (Yes, I am paying 100s of 1000s for her college which is why my budget for my own amp is way below a $1000)  
Inexpensive streaming amplifier
@jbuhl ​​​ as @carlsbad2 said, in NYC, a dinner cost a $1000, so around that? Add desert and a glass of wine, and you are Parasound territory.