
Responses from grislybutter

Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@nonoise no excuses!  😊  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@nonoise  yesterday I lost 3 comments because the system prompted me to update my phone number. It was painful  
Upgrade thoughts
@elliottbnewcombjr I am no footie but you definitely are gifted. As a swimmer, I usually just look at the width, but your feet are like George Costanza's hands!  
Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Ruins the Song ‘Money’!
@clearthinker I don't perceive what you do, namely that murder isn't much of a problem and negative comments about BLM are and that the two are in any way comparable, the way I see it.... well, this is where I should stop. Why argue about stuff co... 
Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Ruins the Song ‘Money’!
@clearthinker I am a hypocrite. If Allen’s movies were so awesome, I would still watch them. Phil Spector was a murderer and I still listen to his songs during Christmas. The irony! But to stay on subject, the reason I also don’t watch Allen’s st... 
Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Ruins the Song ‘Money’!
@clearthinker  I do leave him alone, since the stories broke about his (alleged?) pedophile tendencies, I have not watched anything from him.  
Upgrade thoughts
@elliottbnewcombjr  nice feet!  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@vonhelmholtz what was it? :)  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@cleeds  It bothers me. Doesn't bother me more than an SUV taking up 2 spaces a the supermarket or dog poop on my side walk, but it does bother me. Enough to comment on it.  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
on a second thought: the comment policing here is childish at best, terrifying at worst. I grew in a dictatorship (still a dictatorship today, back there) and I am keenly aware of the State destroying free speech and any sign of criticism. Here, o... 
Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Ruins the Song ‘Money’!
@invalid Yes, exactly, all I said was: "I think". They may be incredible to a lot of people, I believe it, they never just had me jumping, Totally subjective. I just gave away 3 original LPs including dark side of the moon. ("away" - to a friend)  
Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Ruins the Song ‘Money’!
I didn’t think it was relevant or interesting to comment on Pink Floyd’s music. But I see it’s become a thread. I also think they are overrated, vastly...  
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?
@cleeds based on the fact that my comment about the site (it wasn't so much about the site but about the comments defending the site) was removed in less than 8 hours, my feedback/constructive criticism may not be welcome. Just a guess 👻  
Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Ruins the Song ‘Money’!
Pink Floyd star Roger Waters has used a speech to the United Nations to repeat his controversial claim that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was "provoked". long story short, he is an idiot, uncomfortable with facts and the truth  
Some observations from a former skeptic - and a question
the cable subject always bring out the best of us 🙂