
Responses from grislybutter

How Long Is Too Long?
Sutherland, Parasound, Simaudio - I would trust them, and you couldn't go wrong with them (and return would be easy) Can you dispute it via your credit card company?  
How Long Is Too Long?
@nicktheknife the flipside of this is: you should say "don't fix it, give me my money back!" If he has so many orders he has the money to pay you. He can then fix your preamp and sell it, on his own schedule. He can't have it both ways.  It is wr... 
I am starting to understand your original question (vaguely). I read it three times and just got more and more confused. So you have studio monitors and you want to tweak them to produce a sound you like? Is that it? This is how it usually becom... 
some like the studio monitor sound, it suits my preferences for my favorite 80s bands. Other genre, not so much  
What happened to all the highend stereo shops
@crlambert you need help  
How Long Is Too Long?
there is a vintage stereo repair shop in my city where I used to bring my gear. He always had it for at least 3 months, he said he was busy with all the work. The last time after he had it for 3 months, he texted me that I should pick up my amp. W... 
How Long Is Too Long?
@bubba12  I couldn’t count on one hand how many ways I disagree with you @nicktheknife to me, $800 is more than I ever paid for a component  
Why are speaker stands so expensive?!
they are expensive and ugly.  It's like wheels in the Mercedes dealership, they will cost more because the buyers have money. You can buy 200 dollar chairs with prettier and sturdier legs than those ugly 600 dollar speaker stands  
I am interested to update my 15 year old system !
and btw if someone gives me relevant advice, I try to do my best to respond. Not a big deal, just to echo @audphile1 in that regard :)  
Wilson Sasha V
Wilson Sasha V
maybe they could change the design to something pleasant looking. (for my taste)  
the big one: how do you choose speakers? By what features, data?
@kennyc totally, the 10 would be too big for my room!  
I am interested to update my 15 year old system !
a dedicated streamer may not sound significantly better than your phone (if you don’t have a zillion_$_gear) - when your phone is not doing anything else, and your connection is superb. But that’s often not the case, so a streamer is mainly a bett... 
When are speakers considered Hi-Fi and not Mid-Fi???
I prefer my glass walled triangle room with Ocean views all the way to Hawaii, the effect on the sound will be negligible...  
When are speakers considered Hi-Fi and not Mid-Fi???
@dekay must have been the stupidest thing I said last week! (Probably not)