
Responses from gregm

Clearaudio Insider Wood output question???
You'll first have to play with loading -- as suggested above. Start with 100pF and increase impedance in large increments, just to determine where the sound becomes very "lively" while remaining reasonably extended: mid-bass and highs should be pr... 
Alpha Core Goertz
If needed, there is no sound reason not use zobels.Indeed, a very good reason to do so is to avoid oscillation fm the amp. Nice pun, btw (intended or not):) 
cartridge output level
Marcolet's see, my triangles are 93 dB and my amps are 50 wattsSo, if you get 93dB/ 1watt, you should get an extra ~17dB out of those amps before clipping -- which means that a 1kHz sine can be reproduced to ~120dB spl with yr spkrs... I doubt you... 
Why are we so passive?
active speakers often sound better where both options are available and direct comparisons can be made.Exactly. Also, any passive spkr will reach a performance ceiling if only due to the existence of a filtering/equalising unit (xover) between sou... 
cartridge output level
Marco (cptaz): what I meant is that, with the stated gain of 63dB, you'll get a "reference" 0,8?V at the output of yr phono. As you & Rlawry correctly note, I totally confused the issue... sorry guys.In fact, if yr preamp sees ~0,9v fm the pho... 
Has anybody had experience with the Orions?
Seacard -- if you're looking for head-on, real-time, shoot out... I can't help.OTOH, I've experienced both at close intervals and reminiscing my impressions -- they are quite different, the Orions being at a different reproductive level.Of course,... 
cartridge output level
RlawryGregm: I am not sure what you are asking, Oooops, I must have completely confused you -- my post was intended for Cptaz. Sorry! (nice set-up, btw.) 
Has anybody had experience with the Orions?
I've not done an A/B comparison. It's not easy to disconnect the rear tweeter without removing it. That would reliably reveal the differences.Fair enough -- but, does it really matter:)?? Just enjoy, say I. 
Help me buy a magical pre-amp that doesn't exist
Who is selling his/er own product???All that people here are (politely IMO) indicating is, the products you mention respectable tough they may be, will make yr sound worse.So, some people racked their brains to suggest other, less detrimental prod... 
cartridge output level
Rlawry: Why on earth would you need an outboard phono when yours is spec'd at 63dB -- and so being can hit the overload ceiling (0,9v) with your existing cartridge???Also remember that most amps input specs at 0,78-under 2v. 10 volts will overload... 
cartridge output level
Rlawry, according to Marco's reports, he's getting ~0,9v at the output with the SUT in the circuit (63dB) -- before even hitting the active pre... and that's the reported overload ceiling of the phono.Strange, as you & Marty note. 
Help with understanding Stereophile test results.
Chad -- what are you measuring FOR? If it's balance b/ween the spkrs, then you have an IMbalance in the mid-bass and lower between L-R. This is probably due to spkr positioning/room interaction.I never really understood what people mean when they ... 
Bi-amping levinson 33H, 432
I heard this set up with a 336 (+33h) on both spkr models you mention. However, this was done using an external xover (line-level).The sound was significantly better on the Salons and maybe, slightly better on the small ones (than 33h alone).Howev... 
Help me buy a magical pre-amp that doesn't exist
You've probably reaqlised fm other comments that none of the active pre's at the price range will do much to improve the system (the opposite).I suggest you consider a stand-alone phono with motorised volume control and some switching option. Some... 
Accurate vs Musical
Mrtennis:some hobbyists will attempt to "adjust" their stereo systems to sound more like instruments, while others will try to minimize inaccuracy. both are problematical efforts, because a reference is lacking. the sound of a recording is unknown...