
Responses from gregm

Which link is most important?
T-guy: I agree. But since there's only one set of IC, I thought the improvement (one way or another) would be more noticeable if the experiement was conducted in the order I recommended. Cheers! 
Help M'aidez
Very, very, many places! New Morning, Duc des Lombards, Sunset, Sunside, Petit Opportun, Cav. de la Huchette, many others... Check out (for the week's "going ons") or for jazz in Paris. The Parc de la Villette o... 
I'm taking votes
Gear comes & goes, but MUSIC stays. So I partly second the motion to buy music (preferably LP). However, as you'd like to influence the SOUND too, and given YOUR system, look into speakers first. You want fast speakers, neutral with an articul... 
Loutraki, for Steely Dan I suggest the LP (much better than the cd). For Dire Straits there is a double "best-of" cd with studio & live recordings that sounds OK. 
Which link is most important?
Yes, DO get a reasonably priced IC (or, DIY -- you can search archives here on the subject), at least one. Try the one you have now b/ween pre-power first, then b/ween source & pre -- & choose, as Socrates suggests. 
how to set Nero Burning room speeds? help
Check what speed your driver specs for; on most it's written on the front. Go with that. Actually, on older drivers it's often 4x anyway. 
Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems
Hey Subaru-- there you go, sounding like general de Gaulle :)! (Wasn't it "350 fromages" he mentioned?). Anyway, I can relate to your experience! Cheers 
the Listening Room
I, OTOH, have lots of power available, a reasoanbly large room and no UPstrairs neighbours (they're down). So, I would like to: a) fix the imaging & ambience (with little aesthetic compromise) & b) also be able to play normal-a bit loud (~... 
Preamp for Krell KAV-250a amplifier
Used: Krell, small Goldmund, old Rowland (consummate /consonance?), Pass of "Aleph" times, maybe a smaller Klyne... or even a 2channel Adcom ("750", I think). Try to set aside ~200 for used IC (if you don't already have a set that's fast). Cheers 
music , mind , thought and emotion
Indeed, Detlof "words are like leaves, and where they most abound much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found..." But perhaps there *is* an underlying "sense" to words, here, beyond meeting? Not always in the content of the words, I agree, but in ... 
Choosing a SACD player...please help
"Killer" sacd & reasonable redbook -- 2channel -- at a budget imply two conditions:a) buy used (preferably fm large manufacturers, that can be had @ a reasonable price -- Marantz, Sony, Philips are good choices)b) buy a modded piece or one tha... 
Review: Music Hall MMF5 Turntable
Nice & thorough review, Bombay! As to the sand box, I had trouble leveling my (heavier 3point) TT, so my experience was messy at best; I got excellent results using a simple Neuance under it.BTW, I also found that an a/market chord mated well ... 
music , mind , thought and emotion
"I did not write/speak to/for you. So I did not say a word, to you... in the end. :-)" But, 6, your word DID reach many others!I, for one, still wonder if the mind is always free or sometimes "licentious", overpowering even :)? 
Seeing the light
Twl: OK, but what about the quality of power as it arrives AT the house? Ideally you should have a sub-station before the house to control the cycles & ensure constant voltage. THEN, your in-house tweaks may produce the desired results.Cheers! 
Seeing the light
Rockhead, you never know -- upgrades may be b/wards compatible :)! Suppose I could try it, I have fluorescent bulbs at home s/where...