
Responses from gregm

It's the small things that drive you nuts...
Oh YES! Drive... to tears. My (Greg's) General Law of Audio Connectivity:"Whatever the efforts you make arranging the power sockets for practical reasons, and whichever new COMPONENT or whatever PLACEMENT you choose for sonic reasons, the signal/p... 
Hendrix blues
The BBC sessions of Jimi are reasonably well recorded. The snag is, I don't know if they're out on cd... 
S-F users: any successful sub matings out there?
Jayme, yes they're active. As to price I don't know... Any way you can try the "small" Audio Physics sub, or the middle REL? I'm extrapolating here as I've only heard the S-F, the A-Physics Luna & the big Rel, play with the Amati in a biggish,... 
How do I biamp?
WOAH, Left... don't connect ANYTHING yet, please. Especially NOT a signal from an amp to ADDITIONAL amps --- you'll blow the lot.The connections in bi-amping are from PRE outputs to (electronic?) crossover or to individual amps. Also depends upon ... 
Is it worth it?
Another speaker is the new small ATC (whatever it's called). I heard it recently & quite liked it. If you listen to classical & jazz, you can consider small S-F's as suggested... with yr superb front end & depending upon amp, you might... 
Sonus Faber Concertinos & 30watt tube integrated?
Shouldn't be ANY problem. The Concertino's are "sweet" sounding and, IMO, S-F speakers generally like classical & jazz, in that order. So they match your musical taste. You want an "articulate" amp because the Concertino's are more charming th... 
Shhhhhh Don't tell my wife. Looking at B&W 802Ns
You *just* get by size-wise; a little room treatment on side walls wouldn't hurt the sound (but that's stretching the waf, isn't it?). Otherwise, I'm not sure you can get 10 b/ween the speakers--too close to side walls? Just to be on the safe side... 
S-F users: any successful sub matings out there?
IMO: *drive* the Amati well (I don't know your dr-8),*place* them correctly, *treate* the room as far as you can, and *check out speaker *cable*...BEFORE you invest in a sub. You'll get many returns for your efforts. The Amati are supposed to go d... 
Output voltage of Denon 103
The arm on the 6.1 is a good tracker & solidly made. BUT, as Twl notes, the 103 is heavy. Ask the Pro-ject people b/fore you buy, just to be on the safe side. 
Marble or Granite shelfs in a hifi rack?
Ulf, look into "reviews" for Neuance. Jadem6 wrote a detailed report. 
Tickled Pink. Make that Aquamarine
Twl, one TT manufacturer that uses Discovery is Clearaudio. Another is Pluto Audio (I think). Good for you, Judith! 
Marble or Granite shelfs in a hifi rack?
If it were b/ween the two, I'd rule out marble & try granite instead. Particularly for a suspended wood floor. BUT, things are as Twl explained & all other have illustrated, i.e. which frequencies are you acting upon & what compromises... 
What is "critical listening"?
Josh: in my case the "left brain activity" calms down when I'm "vibrating" to the music. Then, it doesn't come up! 
Best Dark Sounding Amp For Bright Speakers?
Rcrump, LOL :). On a more serious note, we still haven't identified the offender here: the speaker, the amp or the source? If Mfb33 could get back in the light of responses above... 
Duevel Part Deux
I have a reasonable experience with Bella_lunas & also lived with a pair for a short time. What would you like to know?