
Responses from gregm

Clearaudio MAGIX Magnetic Isolators ?
I have tried them. Twl's concern is valid -- but there is sufficient distance b/ween the magnet & the component & the magnet is not very strong. I found them difficult to set up; my equipment is uneavenly heavy (massive front plates, etc) ... 
MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em
Sorry to chime in so late, but I am bewildered -- not only at WHAT uncle said, but at how (s)he expressed it. The latter, IMO, raised the controversy. But the originality of what uncle said, with all due respect, floored me.Unless I'm mistaken, th... 
Getting married, and I need to redo system.. ?'s..
Congratulations! I would also heed John's & Sean's advice above, although it's difficult to sully affairs of the heart with those of the pocket (that's before you "I do" the situation of course).Looking into the future, the HT/audio combo may ... 
Rhythm and harmony in music
Detlof, this begs the question of which comes first:). Could one say that eros would be a situation that is "cultivated" vs. "raw" rythm. (In my case, it worked the other way round -- when it did work, that is:)! ). Cheers 
What's the deal with palladium??
I have read s/where that palladium is hard enough to allow for tight connections -- an extra benefit when used as a termination for, say, speaker cables. Trelja would be better placed to comment on this. 
Rhythm and harmony in music
Detlof & Twl beat me to it (& expressed it better). As a side issue, the usic industry has determined that, allegedly, women are very susceptible to rythm... (Can a woman confirm, deny or otherwise comment upon this premise?)Good question ... 
Confused addict: need help with upgrade
Classe & B&W are lately hitting the market together. For the rest, I second Kotta's advice. Play with your present system, try support & tweaks if it tickles yr fancy (lots of discussion here on A'gon). If you're still not satisfied, s... 
"period interpretation" beethoven?
Eric, do I detect a soft touch of innuendo there ;)? Blw, you might also add Gardiner & the London Fortepiano Trio for "original" instruments. But I think you'll be served by Norrington, as Ewha suggests. Cheers 
Top 10 Must-have Classical CD's
Eldragon, I agree on Mozart. Mozart, Requiem; take any Bohm, Klemperer, even the old Karajan.On taste, I beg to disagree slightly: Edd states he's new to the gendre so rather than "personal taste" I think that "impressive", "likely to hook", "repr... 
A Little Hypocrisy?
A small note on Travis' point 1) *Marketers (talent "spotters", new product/biz development) in the music industry do (did?) very well vs. other industries. Artists USUALLY get proceeds on a fixed scale -- unless they're on their way up and that "... 
Top 10 Must-have Classical CD's
In indifferent order:*Vivaldi, Cimento dell'Armonia (the "4 seasons" part)/I Musici, Philips*Bach, Mass in B minor/ K Richter, Archiv (DG)*BAch, Art of the Fugue, 8 canon, etc/ Musica Antiqua Koln-Goebbel, Archiv (DG){*Bach, Well-tempered Clavier/... 
Cocktail of choice when listening to fav music?
Unsound, Lagavulin with a tad of spring water. Room temperature for the Laga, you can chill the water. Clink! 
music , mind , thought and emotion
Ahhh, 6! You have now revealed yourself:)! Good for Matt... that picture of Jesus says it all!!! Clink 
Orchestral brass and fanfare - analysis of system
A final note (short this time). You may want to try a Symphonic Line Kraft 250 classA. It's one of the best machines I've heard for driving speakers full range (Nautilus). In your case the sub will make things even easier... 
Cocktail of choice when listening to fav music?
Natalie, you may try it as it digestif, too... Clink