
Responses from gregm

What is the sweetest sounding tube intergrated amp
A sweet -- & at the same time quite resolving -- integrated is the Pathos. It's a hybrid. As to its being the "sweetest", I can't say! Cheers 
Clearaudio ref phono - any reviews or comments?
Kubla, sorry. Good is a relative term. It's "good" compared to a plethora of other offerings (that are usually cheaper, too). It's not that "good" in absolute terms and to my taste, in being over-analytical but under-musical, and somewhat cold sou... 
Am I nuts or what?
Markelemal: wait till you actually CLEAN some of those vinyls (if you ever get down to doing it)!!! 
Clearaudio ref phono - any reviews or comments?
Well HELLO, Kubla -- pleasure to see you again!! Hope you've been well & kicking...Clearaudio: the champagne ref or the two-flat-box battery powered one? The champagne one (I'll assume that's the one for 3k) is good. I tried it on my rig (Simo... 
Duevel Loudspeakers
I ahve also listened to a few models -- quite extensively. What are you looking for (or at), and what equip would you like to use? 
neutrality vs. realism
Just to add to Onhw & Paulwp points -- there are a few cases when some engineering trickstering just MAY trickle out through the speakers; on Barbirolli's Mahler 5 (EMI), the sound level goes down perceptibly just before a crescendo in the fir... 
Interconnect length
Whatjd: yes, Quattro et alia (Clearaudio) are in 0,6 -- allegedly better length than the 0,5 for some electrical reason. I don't think they charge extra for the 0,1 :).I had only one experience, with SPM. It was 0,5 -- 0,6 -- 1,0/ used b/ween cdp-... 
How do you find BEST classical recordings???
Being a classical music "nut" myself, I dare say Pls1's post is a reference. I second his comments on the Penguin, Gramophone & Fanfare guides on all points & one more: esp. on Penguin, I find inconsistencies in the recommendations. OTOH, ... 
neutrality vs. realism
Onh, I agree with your rendition of "comfort food". But, yes, a poorly recorded violin still sounds like a violin -- because it's acoustic & you know, in conjunction with the other instruments, what it is: you have the live experience of the v... 
Krell or Classe Integrated for Sonus Faber Concert
I second Lgregoir's opinion on the YBA-SF combo. Generalising, I listened to Krell 80 (old) & 250 driving Guarneri -- they didn't seem to like each other. The YBA (passion integre, YBA 1, passion separates) matched very well. But then, so did ... 
neutrality vs. realism
Indeed, Onhw -- but if you listne to a lot of acoustic music as I do, then a violin is or isn't. Badly or well rendered onto the support (vinyl, or digital). However, when you have electronic musical equip & sound effects, it's a different mat... 
Newbie Question: VTA and Rega P25/RB600
As per Mara & Twl. I'll add: patience is rewarding & keep the arm level, if not, SLIGHTLY off (hi or low) until yr cartridge settles. Then go back & re-adjust. Don't worry, it's easy! 
SACD- my intial thoughts....
Oh boy, Ben, I hope time proves you wrong -- or, there's no hope! I too have listened to sacd hybrid or conversions (from pcm? I don't know) that fatigued me. I remember Sean commenting on a similar experience. But I have listned to original dsd r... 
As above, OR: b) a used product, sent back to manufacturer for full "service" (cleaning, drying, ironing, checking out etc), so any failing parts are replaced, sometimes a component upgrade or two are included -- and the unit is expected to be... ... 
What was your biggest priority?
LONG. The biggest priority is reproducing music. Nrchy's question relates to how we see the system reproducing it. However "priorities" does NOT equal "where does hard-earned cash go". I have found that, whatever each one's priority (mine was spea...