
Responses from gregm

Solid state design options...
A small point: DF is the ratio of the load impedance to the internal impedance of the amp. If we average the speaker load to 8ohms, just how do we get a DF of 25 or 50 (unless we're marketers)?? In other words, how low must the amp's impedance be ... 
Which low cost turntable should I choose ?
200 quid is a tad on the low side for an analogue rig (i.e. TT, arm, cartridge). Assuming you'll build the phono stage, try to find a used ProJect, Thorens, or Teres with arm. If need be, you can tinker with the Thorens and improve the sound. A Li... 
Used Morch DP-6 or modified Origin Live Silver?
I'm familiar w/ the Morch (but not the OL; what a quandary:)) It's a very good arm and relatively easy to set up. The azimuth, angle, etc are correctly set, so no problems (unless the previous owner has been playing with this; if so, Tom, if you c... 
Review: Plinius SA-102 power amp
Jadem6's exeprience seems to tally with mine regarding the plinius pre (i.e, I felt that (much) better sounds resulted when we used the big SL pre). Upper level details: with the 250 we didn't feel we "needed" or "could have had" more; with one pl... 
Feel vs. Think - take an objective look...
So, are we experiencing the gradual demise of subjectivism??? I ask this because most of the sound effects (voicing, etc) I can now also correlate to design parametres or measurements. I'm not an EE, only practical. (Cables, of course, are too exo... 
Upgrade from Audio Physic Virgos to ???
The acoustic stuff will keep you going. Amazing results, believe it or not! Try Rives' site for some info & guidance on that subject.IMHO pls don't sink 5k hardearned $ in speakers. If anything, try a subwoof, i.e. don't buy one, just borrow o... 
Best Speakers for Symphonic Line electronics
Hi Turek -- I'm far from biz connections with the audio manufacturers! I met Mr Gemein of SL, talked about jazz & Brahms, tried his equip & liked the sound. I also have a pair of RG & Kraft mono's at home. (I also have other amps -- th... 
Upgrade from Audio Physic Virgos to ???
Outlier, could you indicate the way to convince you to NOT change the speakers, for now, and concetrate room acoustics, wires, s/ware -- or whatever will keep your upgraditis bug at bay? You have a very well balanced system with top notch componen... 
Biamping combining Tube and SS
Assuming your speakers have a biwiring option (i.e. two sets of binding posts on each speaker, one for "highs" and one for "lows") and that you're passively biamping (i.e using the speakers' passive crossover) try this simple process:*remove the b... 
Best Speakers for Symphonic Line electronics
Hi Turek -- I'm pretty familiar with the K250. In the absence of info on personal tastes, I can only offer general comments. So here goes:The 250 can drive practically anything and I've rarely (if ever) felt there was a "mismatch" with the differe... 
opinion on asl hurricane with horns
Oooops... well, although I agree with Twl, don't get smitten by upgraditis just yet; you can enjoy music with the hurricanes too! 
Vivaldi fans lend me your ears for a moment...
"getting anyone around here to agree on their favorite Four Seasons (Quattro Stagioni) will probably be about as easy as getting them to agree on their favorite speaker.." Well said, Rel!! To prove how right Rel is, here's another recommendation: ... 
Who will survive? One last table til I die.
Steve, when I was looking there wasn't much available that fit the criteria: among those considered was the big P Lurne (too complicated & many lacquered wooden parts so, vulnerable), the P Triangle Export (too finical & I wanted "better" ... 
Who will survive? One last table til I die.
Steve- being on an identical quest some time ago, I came up with the following criteria (for what they're worth):* simple design meaning user-friendly servicing (which ruled out Goldmund, for example)* if possible, easy to replace parts subjected ... 
Review: Plinius SA-102 power amp
Hi Timchen -- no, the SA 102 was "musically" transparent. By this I mean that details were there as a seamless part of the whole musical presentation. You didn't miss, or strain yourself to hear things... However, with the 250 there was more infor...