
Responses from gregm

Anyone heard/compared these carts?
These are not exactly comparable cartridges... and I don't know if you're looking for something specific?I would find the Allaerts the most musically precise (tonal accuracy, relative dynamics, good extension maybe a tad on the light side).To coin... 
SACD - what gives?
Detlof, your comments above are VERY interesting, indeed I had wanted to ask you about this upper end /hi-rez point. I've had a similar misgiving about the upper end reproduction. This I attributed to my less-than-stellar tweets (even though my el... 
The Fastest most musical amp
The speed with which dynamic changes in music are reproduced relative to one another... i.e. the term includes the notion of relativity. In this sense, it's what Mikelavigne & Detlof and most others I believe, refer to.Other amps that I've hea... 
Premier Redbook CD Transport or SACD Player?
Tireguy -- I bet you're thinking of a modded Philips (as in the Meitner combo)!!Jafox, in the present state of digital, I wouldn't get my hopes up too high in trying to smoke your Clearaudio ref set-up. Maybe a J Allaerts or a VdenHul Colibri cart... 
How Many???
Financial reports, unfortunately, wouldn't yield much info as it would be impossible to compute a weighted average price per unit w/out knowing the number of units sold for each model. Especially given the price differential b/ween different model... 
Stereophile Audio Glossary
Hail, Agonanon! Your smart missive is an oasis of creativity -- nay, a spark of light in the depths of Hades -- in the barren cornucopea of plaintive audioholic philippics that abound...May your spirit inspire the muted masses, as the blessed bard... 
Lyra Helikon SL-Worth upgrade?
Speaking of the new Titan I heard one on a S Yorke TT (not mine). THere WAS a Helikon there too, but that was hooked onto an Amazon/Morch combo.What I can therefore say, is that the S Yorke/Titan had much better resolution in the mid-range and mor... 
Mozart Piano Concerto 21.
Gileon -- for Oistrakh, try Tchaikovski violin / concert for Oistrakh's 60th b/day, Moscow S O/Rozdestvenski.You might also try Oistrakh's Beethoven violin and contrast with Hubermann on the same piece... Cheers 
Monoblocks for Sonus Faber Guarneri ?
Peter -- no, I don't think the 1.1's are overkill. I find the G's very seductive speakers, possibly the best SF has produced (within the Gs' frequency response range) -- but also difficult to drive to "perfection", i.e. to get the last ounce of th... 
Monoblocks for Sonus Faber Guarneri ?
On second thought, are you the owner of the Graafs mentioned in another recent thread? If so, why not keep those for the Guarneri & spare yourself the trouble (& the money) of change? If not, do consider them, as well as Tenor (75 should d... 
Monoblocks for Sonus Faber Guarneri ?
Yes. Why bi-wire? Cheers 
Luxman 441 vs. Technics SL-1200mk2 as first TT?
The Technics is rugged as Zaike notes but I agree with the caveats he raises. OTOH, the Luxman was also a good deck in tis time, & user tweakable. Yours also has a nice arm on it. Do check the arms (wobbly??) the rotating speed of the TT... if... 
Run Thorens Run ?
Agonanon -- Shelters, Benz, Denon, maybe a Sumiko or an Ortofon, i.e. a cartridge that's reasonably rugged (Denon, for example) and offers a musical, if not exotically accurate, sound retrieval/reproduction.There's a lot of on-line help in setting... 
Rock Lyrics - Best Reference to Other Rock Group
To add to the above: Deep Purple / Smoke on the Water (fire in the sky) -- the song is ABOUT a fire during a F. Zappa concert in Switzerland. The lyrics describe that event. 
Isolation for turntable
I second Twl & Tphalieros' advice for rigid base, no soft items under the TT. One a/market shelf that can do the job (is rigid and efficient in vertical vibration control) is the Neuance, mentioned above. But again the principle is the same: r...