
Responses from gregm

Pathos Classic One with Sonus Faber Amator 2
The old Classic was a bit small in output for the SF load. You may want to consider an integrated ss (say, a used: YBA, symphonic line...). Very nice sound from these and many others too, surely. Also, probably less expensive than their medium-to-... 
Budget amp for Dahlquist DQ-10's
These are very good speakers with an airy midrange. They're only "dated" in their need for lots of power (mainly to move bass driver). So, I second and third the comments above 
Pathos Classic One with Sonus Faber Amator 2
Well, I've listened to Amator & GUarneri driven by the Pathos old integrated, and by their monos ("in power"). Nice, "creamy" sound, very convincing/ satisfying musically.... This oesn't help much, I know -- but what are your sonic criteria / ... 
I auditioned SACD today
An interesting (if not very fresh) discussion on cd/sacd/dvd-a can be found here. This site is also a magnificent treasure of information on our hobby! 
Metal speakers. How are they?
Sorry Eldartford, I missed yr question. I meant the frequency where cone break-up occurs. That doesn't seem an issue in your case as you can easily play the seas in its optimum range, crossing to the tweet above that.Mr Linkwitz's site is, indeed,... 
Metal speakers. How are they?
I respectfully submit that materials DO matter. Metal cones can and do ring and have harsher break-up than (conventional) treated paper. This said, there are excellent metal performers -- the "21" Seas are amongst the best. Best, 
Subwoofer Question: Active or Passive?
Definitely take Ktsteamer's advice AND look up Mara's ref before you take the plunge. Building a sub with pre-cut parts will only take a few hours and is lots of fun -- one of the best ways to spend an afternoon! 
B&W Nautilus 800's vs my Tannoy D-700's ???
IMO of course, but why on earth change from Tannoys??? Why not upgrade to another Tannoy range, say to a GRF Memory, or save up further for the Kingdom range?The sound is excellent on all accounts -- particularly, I find dynamics and imaging and t... 
Clearaudio Emotion turntable
Well, the phono stage is not quite in the same league as the rest of the system above. The TT/arm is the entry level package from clearaudio. It's not bad -- it's simple and, like many reasonably priced offerings, sounds good (i.e. more than its p... 
Should Genesis V's be toed-in?
Controls: set the midrange at 2' (i.e. midway) and the front tweet at 12". The tweet setting is room dependent; so, choose a recording that is reputedly good and has natural sounds you recognise. Listen, then turn up the tweets on both speakers by... 
what pre amp for my setup,
LONG: Hoping I won't disillusion you, here goes. Last WE I was frustrated with my tube pre (and too lazy to check what was going on)& bored of my ss pre. Amazingly, I had never tried the present system passive -- so with a friend we found a sm... 
Should Genesis V's be toed-in?
I have Gen V's and they are (now) toed in -- about 55-60 degrees apart. I found that this position gave the best (i.e. most balanced / +-9db /) in room response at MY listening position. Keeping them straight ahead achieves a laid-back presentatio... 
what pre amp for my setup,
A recent "passive" experiment brought a completely different result to Stehno's above. I tried a 100kOhm pot on my 47kOhm /50kOhm power amps and.. the dynamics are stunning. The b/ground detail is good, too -- OTOH, the difference b/ween loud and ... 
Can you switch out drivers from another company???
At least TWO reasons why exchanging the tweet is tricky (but hardly inpossible): mechanical & electricalMechanical: does the new tweet fit, are the mechanical properties similar b/ween the two tweets?Electrical: (more tricky) the Thiele-Small ... 
Full range or sub/sat ?
Sorry Ritteri, I just got on to yr post. "Normally" priced commercial speakers are under the 22-25K mark. Indeed, these prices are anything BUT normal, but given the proliferation of full-range models OVER and above these prices, I chose this leve...