
Responses from gregm

D'oh I killed my what?
General remark regarding sound re, low & hi output cartridges. It's a bit of a chicken & egg dilemma.The sound you ultimately get at TT source level is a combination of the phono & whatever signal the cartridge sources into that phono.... 
No Sound in Left Channel From Cartridge???
Relax. It's most probably as per Raul, above. Maybe as per Swampwalker further up. The worst case scenario, which is most unlikely, is a problem with one magnet. 
Tube Amp Rec Sought.
Good point, F-parrot 
Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?
It's a wide-range driver and, depending on the application, it can be used down to 300-200Hz. It has an unusual sound; in some respects it's reminiscent of a ribbon & in others of cones. DIspersion characteritics are also somewhat unusual comp... 
Treatment for rubber speaker surrounds?
I third (is there such a thing) the motion above. Leave the surrounds alone -- or, dust them with a soft cloth or duster fm tie to time. 
Which speaker will perform
With all due respect, you can run either! I may be missing the gist of yr question -- unless you're asking which of the two spkrs to chose?If so, is there no way you can listen to the ML-2's driving either pair and chose by audition? Cheers 
all preamps gain and phase.
Low gain, typically. 
Tube Amp Rec Sought.
Tenor or another reasonably powerful OTL --e.g. atmasphere-- could be used to good effect. These are usually very expensive.Not to sidetrack the question but, what's wrong with your Klimax? 
Turntable Purchase Suggestion
Going against the conventional grain, I would strongly suggest you look at a Scheu Premier II (Eurolab) TT, in the config seen here i.e. with the highest platter. Alternatively, a Teres TT that you can peruse here. In both cases, a Schroeder arm w... 
all preamps gain and phase.
The "gain" controls how much yr pre increases the voltage of the incoming (source) signal. So, you can match it to yr amplifier (in the case of very low level phono signal you may have to increase the gain so the auditory level matches line-level ... 
Volume level mystery - can you solve it?
The two older amps have completely different input sensitivities (much higher: 685/870mv for full power vs 1,2V for the new one). You need a higher relative source voltage to drive yr new amp to clipping (i.e. turn the volume control higher). That... 
Super Max Tweeter Cable, Worth it ?
First try 22g (or 20) enameled pure copper wire on the tweets/mids. Check for improvements (or the contrary) vs single wiring. {You will of course separately try the single wiring on the top and the bottom connectors on yr spkrs to check for diffe... 
Volume level mystery - can you solve it?
Bigtee wrote:Some preamps like more load, some less...No, not really. Lowering the load's impedance always makes things more difficult for the source. The higher the destination impedance and the lower the source impedance, the better.If all Linn ... 
The quest for power
Lots of choices, some good options mentioned above. You might also consider the Odyssey amps at @~1000 new. 
Cartridge De-Mag: Is it necessary?
Good heavens! We need the cartridge magnets to retain their flux -- not the other way round!:)Do head Nsgarch's & others' posts & leave the cartridges "magnetized". If you wish to get rid of STATIC build up the TT just make sure you've gro...