

Responses from grannyring

Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Thanks for the comments guys. Sksos, I used the Zeros for the same exact reason which suggests to me you wanted better bass, volume, and dynamics with the M60 rated at 60 watts. That is my current issue with tube amps rated at 60 watts with the Cr... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Reasonable for sure.  Audioshark listed the price wrong a thread I was reading.... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
The LM518 is a 22 watt 845 amp for around $5000.  That was the one I thought Wig had. His 508 is an 805 tube based amp that shows an $18,000 price. Nice amp for sure and most likely enough power for me, but the cost 😢  
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
I am aware of that Mapman and that is why I am wondering why they were used with the Cresendos are they are 6ohm speakers with steady impedance and tube amp friendly. I suppose OTL amps like 16 ohm loads and perhaps this is the reason?  
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Wig, my mistake. Your 508 LM is a much more expensive amp that I bet is amazing.  Seems it is also out of my reach. However, congrats on the combo as I am sure it is amazing sounding.  
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Charles, I would love those Triode amps, but their weight, size, and cost are just out of my league! :) The combo sounds amazing at shows. Wig, I thought the LM amp was only 22 watts? I will look those up again.  
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
The LM amp has always interested me, but at 22 watts it would seem not to offer enough power based on my current experiences. The Cresendos certainly take the power and in my room seems to want more than 60 watts. I fully understand watts are not ... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Curious as to why you use the Zero's with the Atma amps? My experience with the Zero's was not good finding they really messed with the sound. I have tried several amps and thus far the Lyngdorf is the best. It puts out some 100 watts and sometime... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Sorry to hear that sksos1. Does the M60 really have the power reserves needed for this speaker?  
Where is the optimal place to have an interface between two different metals?
I don't use connectors for the most part. I direct solder my power cords, ICs, and use no connectors on my speaker cables. I don't use binding posts on my amps and use a Teflon or woiden posts  to clamp the output wires of my amp to bare speaker w... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
I would love to hear what we Cresendo owners use for amps? I use two amps. A high,y modified Cary Rocket 88r tube amp and a Lyngdorf 2170.  I think they like power more than some think? What are you using? 
Best female vocal recording on CD?
Rickie Lee has an amazing voice. Very surprised to read your comment? Other voices may be more common sounding, but few have her unique talent.  
Class D Technology
The Ohm F's were the dream speaker at Tech. I listened to them often dreaming of having a set. Yes, they are still fantastic... 
Class D Technology
Tech Hifi brings back so many memories of my teenage years. I used to love looking at their brochures of systems and listening to gear.  At 15 years old I saved all I could on my first job and purchased my first system at Tech.  I still remember w... 
Class D Technology
Thanks for the link Mapman. You make a very good point and the days of 60-150 pound amps is really behind us. I would love to hear this amp on my 90db efficient speakers so hear how effortless it must sound. I may:)