

Responses from grannyring

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I have been posting on these for years and use breakers in my mods and recent builds. Learned it from one of the best out of the box designers in audio history, Paul Weitzel, founder of Tube Research Labs. Lose the fuse!  
Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?
Ha! Yes indeed. I putting a game plan together. Most of the caps are polyester types (MET).  Better MPT caps are used on the mids and tweeter.  
Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?
Yes Robert’s design is not in question as the speaker is awesome. The crossover is very complex with many parts. 15 resistors and 13 capacitors per speaker with many additional inductors. Easy to see why one could not use Duelund level parts! 
Re-wire of speakers to get more Warmth and resolve across the band
No doubt the Duelund wire is warmer and more importantly, more open and natural sounding while doing it. Both are very good and would work nicely however. 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?
Forgot to answer the question about what I drive them with. Well here is something I could talk about for hours. We could not have a bunch of gear in our living room so I had to search for a downsized, yet wonderful solution. I listened to many in... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?
Loved the 40.1’s! We moved to Franklin, TN and downsized. I lost my dedicaded music room and now share a space in our main living area. The home is new with cool tone colors like white kitchen, light gray walls, black granite etc... and my wife fe... 
Re-wire of speakers to get more Warmth and resolve across the band
The Duelund wire, or any wire for that matter,  cannot be used as an equalizer etc...but this wire can take the edge off the highs and indeed give a slightly more natural sound with a tad of warmth. No, it will not transform the speaker. Some me l... 
Re-wire of speakers to get more Warmth and resolve across the band
I suggest, based on a great deal of experience in this area, going for the Duelund 16 gauge stranded and tinned copper wire in cotton sold at Parts Connextion. $10 yard and better than the wire you mentioned in terms of what you are looking for. I... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
+1 aberyclark. You pretty much summed it very nicely.  
Where is the optimal place to have an interface between two different metals?
Well I developed tinnitus listening to silver coated wire and my doctor told me pure copper only😊Just a personal bias and you can stick with your wire. I just found it a tad tilted up in the upper mids and I am very sensitive to that. But, not all... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Building gear is like a chef cooking at creating in a kitchen. Different combinations of ingredients yield different results. When I build or mod tube gear I learned this first hand. Changing out wire, caps, resistors, diodes, layout, trannys etc.... 
Your choice of the most "inert" cabinets ?
The best I have heard move and breathe like an instrument. Harbeth and Audio Note come to mind.  
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Well put Charles.  
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Sure, what about all the miles and miles of cable bringing power into the gear ahead of the capacitors, output transformers, resistors, tubes etc... in our gear. Surely none of these parts can make a difference? Of coarse that power cord, that hig... 
Acoustic Zen Crescendo
Charles and mapman I have always appreciated both of your contributions to this site. Good stuff! I enjoy more than one house sound as no speaker/amp combo does everything perfectly .... at least to my liking. There are always trade offs as we kno...