

Responses from grannyring

Thor TA-1000 - inerverting or non-inverting absolute phase?
Good for you! Yes upgrade those also!  I think that is a great sounding pre for reasonable cost used.  
5 most recognizable voices in American music?
Tiny Tim 
Linestage vs. Preamplifier....
Nicely said and the correct answer Lowrider57.   
Thor TA-1000 - inerverting or non-inverting absolute phase?
Upgrade the coupling caps and really hear this baby sing.   
Thor TA-1000 - inerverting or non-inverting absolute phase?
No it does not. Great preamp! 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
No connectors are best. High quality connectors are better than average or poor connectors. Few will direct solder like myself, or use the clamping speaker connection suggested, but these are best sonically speaking.  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
A good quality breaker costs about $40 and replaces the on/off switch that carries its own cost. No, a great quality circuit breaker will not impact the sound any more than a quality power switch. Another big area for improvement in amps are the b... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
True Charles, but on the one topic of fuses in amp design I would like to see more effort in their elimination. Status quo seems to rule the day in amp design with fuses. BTW it is very easy to mod most existing amps to eliminate the fuse with an ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I have shared this before and want to bring it up again as it is a topic that is very interesting to me.  The designer of Tube Research Labs equipment taught me fuses, all fuses, degrade sound no matter the audiophile brand. He never put fuses in ... 
Robert Lee recommends Triode Corp, but...
Let me give you another choice that would be fantastic on your speakers. Von Gaylord LM Triode monoblock tube amps. PP amps with 50 watts of glorious tube power and no mods needed. These are amazing amps and so beautiful sounding. Ray’s gear flies... 
Best DIY silver solder?
No solder please. Use bare wire if at all possible. All solder and connectors degrade the sound. Go naked and you will find out first hand.  
Robert Lee recommends Triode Corp, but...
I own the a Crescendo speakers and use two amps to great effect. I find one amp has a group of strengths that no tube amp can match while the other amp has qualities no SS amp can match on these speakers. Don’t rule out SS.I use a Lyngdorf 2170 wh... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Thanks for the pictures. I was going to suggest you use NOS Western electric stranded wire and the new Duelund match. It seems you already knew that!  
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
You are on top of it for sure! Love to know more about the speakers and what amp drives them.   
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Very impressed with your parts selection and I bet the speakers will sound fantastic based on the care you are taking on the crossover alone. If if you need resistors I know a brand that is to resistors as Duelund is to capacitors. Path Audio resi...