

Responses from goheelz

Thoughts on using Mcintosh MC352 amp with Magnepan 1.7 speakers
Check out my system, and you’ll see how I’ve been using the MC352 for the past 5 years or so. But I don’t have specific experience with Maggies, although I’ve heard that McIntosh power works well with them. The MC352 is a solid performing amplifie... 
American Made Audio Unveils New Site For Made in USA Components
Herron Audio 
Huge HT system in a basement...
Check out member kftool.  
Differences between VPI Prime and Aries 2
You are asking a good question. I have a VPI Aries 2 Black Knight, but I've switched to the 10.5i Classic 3 tonearm, and it looks fine IMO.  The VPI 12 inch arm would look sort of odd to some in a rig like mine, given the proportions of the Aries ... 
Vinyl sales
Thanks for that year-old story. 
HT help! Budget 10k
Your home theater space is very large, which is an advantage in many ways.  There's room for whatever equipment you might need.  But it's a multi-use room, so maybe you can't go too big.  If it were my large room, I'd pursue some kind of good proj... 
Rega Rp8 vs VPI Aries 2 Black Night
I've had the Aries 2 Black Knight for a long time.  It's a solid product that has worked flawlessly. It also looks nice, with appealing industrial design that sets it apart from and above the Rega products in my opinion.  I've made some key change... 
Ortofon bronze PNP ALERT!!!!!
Not fair to Ortofon, given what you have said. You acquire the cartridge third-hand (maybe even fourth hand), presumably to avoid paying retail at a price level where you would enjoy generous warranty protection.  It is a way of taking a risk to s... 
So many variables with audio
The hyperbole in your question --- "a million different answers" to a question --- distorts the issue. For example, most questions are much simpler than this and get *relatively* few reasonable answers.  It is apparently fun for some to ask "milli... 
Home Theater separates won't fit in new house
Why not try to relocate the AV components (all but the speakers) to a different part of the house and operate them remotely? Is there a hallway closet that might work? We did this, and it is an excellent solution. Much happier without all the AV b... 
VPI Cartridge People: What next?
Thanks to everyone for the great responses. A few people have asked "why change from the Dyna XX-2?"  Simple curiosity, mainly, as I've had the Dyna cartridges for a long time and I'm interested in what else is out there + I've heard and liked (bu... 
As one who's thinking about moving up from MC352 to MC601, I'm curious as to what you feel is missing from the MC601 amplifiers. Where do the MC601 amps fall short, in your view? 
Best Option In A Silver CD/SACD Player $1k Or Less
The Stones had it right: "Paint It Black" since you are a pushover. 
Good, better, best. VPI Classic 1 accessories and upgrades.
I find the SDS to be an essential upgrade. The improved speed stability is obvious to my ears. 
Best Female Vocalists Ballads
Meg Baird, "Dear Companion" (Drag City LP). A tremendous singer and a fine guitarist.