

Responses from goheelz

Need some thoughts how to arrange the speakers
Having the left speaker fire into the kitchen is never going to be ideal. And you can't move the left speaker closer to the right because you have the TV in the way. If you get rid of the TV, that would solve the problem very nicely, but I imagine... 
Review: Daedalus Ulysses V2 Speaker
Al, Lou, Audiotomb--I appreciate the excellent and well-informed advice. Lou, I will track you down for a demo one of these days. Maybe the next RMAF.Al: the attenuator idea seems spot on. I may try that if I go the higher efficiency route. But of... 
Review: Daedalus Ulysses V2 Speaker
OK, great review. I really appreciate the amount of detail and specificity that you put into your write-up. Thank you for your efforts. The Ulysses is one that I've been hoping to hear soon, but I've not been able to get to a show in person recent... 
First Turntable Advice
Check out my system. We are on pretty much the same page, gear wise. My VPI Aries has matched up well with the rest. Shoot a little higher than the VPI Scout, if you can. The VPI SDS is also essential, so budget for that too, because you will want... 
Ask them? 
New member and potential seller question
Try eBay. 
Setting up an audio system
Is vinyl important to you? How many LPs do you own? What are your musical goals? 
dumb question, streaming music to a preamp?
Spotify + Audioengine B1 Bluetooth streamer. Use phone or iPad Spotify app. Works great, sounds great, esp. with Spotify premium. 
Best DRYING cloth for vinyl?
Unreal. Why in the world are you choosing to hand-dry LPs when the VPI 16.5 will do it automatically and leave zero lint? Too much time on one's hands? 
Best cartridge for VPI Scoutmaster Signature
Dynavector for the win at this point. Not a scoutmaster but am using Dyna XX-2mkII with a VPI Aries II Black Knight. Synergy galore. Can't wait to wear out this cart and go up the Dyna line for more of the same. 
Great Trumpet Players and Albums - recommendations
If you want a well-recorded masterpiece and like big-band style trumpet, try Harry James, "The King James Version" (Sheffield Labs, 1976). Vinyl, of course. The album is recorded direct-to-disc, sounds fantastic, and captures Harry at his best. 
Jazz Musician's Sonic Signature
Thelonious MonkMilt JacksonLouis ArmstrongJoe PassMaynard FergusonCount BasieBen Webster 
Looking for Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington LP
Elegal: post an email address, and I'll get in touch with you. You could also text me on Skype: goheelz2000. 
Looking for Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington LP
I have an original Roulette pressing of this album, but it is not red vinyl. Contact me if you are interested. Great record, by the way. 
SDS or phono stage
I'm not familiar with the phono stage in your integrated amp, but the SDS made a big positive difference in my VPI rig.