
Responses from goatwuss

Speakers to replace Martin logan Prodigys
The no preamp thing is more of a source/amp impedance thing... so if it worked for the Prodigys, it will work for another speaker. Just make sure the amp is efficient (and has enough current) for the new speaker. The wolcotts are powerful and will... 
Speakers to replace Martin logan Prodigys
HeySucks you don't have the room for the 'statsFor a smaller space, you're good to want to look into a good pair of monitors. For $5 - $7k you can get some of the best.Some good choices would be: * Dynaudio C1 * Sonus Faber Electa Amator (1 or 2)... 
Coincident Total Reference vs Zu Definition
you want something soft and warm for the bedroom (so the wife will stay there), not dynamic as hell like the 2 you mentionedthink sonus faber or something 
Dynaudio C1 Bass
Hi Wilmak - Detailed instructions for using RoomEQWizard and setting up the meter can be found here:http://www.hometheatershack.com/roomeq/wizardhelp/help_en-GB/html/index.htmlRadio shack should have whatever cables you need 
Is a Koetsu Rosewood Sig Overkill for my JMW 9Sig?
Audiofeil - Do you feel that VPI's 10 inch arms (10.5i) are in the same category of arms as the 9 series? ie. not optimized for top shelf cartridges with lower compliances like the Shelter, zyx, xv1s etc?Do you feel the same way about all unipivots? 
Options to replace Supratek Chennin Pre
Before doing "luck of the draw" gear swaps, why don't you measure your system's frequency response? Bass "slam and extension" and "lean-ness" should be easily able to be measured.Measure your system both with and without the preamp, and compare th... 
Setting up Rega RB300
After 2 months of waiting for an "in stock" wallytractor to ship... I canceled my order. 
Dynaudio C1 Bass
"extensive run in period like 6-9 months with 8 hours playing time per day. Before that, you cannot have descent bass."A blatant lie. Play them overnight for a couple days and you will have "decent bass" as you say.You haven't really answered thes... 
Dynaudio C1 Bass
Wilmak - yeah, if you are missing bass in the 60 - 80hz range, then it is a 95% chance you've got a room-induced bass suckout with your current position.Spend some time moving the speakers all over the place and testing, and also moving yourself a... 
Has your gear ever hurt you???
An audio friend of mine was telling me that he knew someone who dropped ultra-heavy Kharmy Exquisitite, and the SPIKE went right through his FOOT. Ouch 
Car audio system
Audphile1 - Yes, Dynaudio still make car speaker drivers, and they are among the best, alongside the likes of Morel and SeasJL subwoofers are OK, but if you've been listening to a REL / Velodyne DD / other high-end sub... don't expect much other t... 
If you had to pay full retail, would you...???
My dealer: * Lets me take in my equipment to compare to his stuff at the store * Orchestrates A/B/C tests among gear, for as long as I'd like * Lets me take home $$$ equipment to compare to my stuff in my home * Has good ears, and has taught me a ... 
Dynaudio C1 Bass
The C1s should extend flat to about 40hz. Have you measured them?They are a great sounding speaker, but by no means will they do the 20-40hz octave. Just not gonna happen with 1 7" mid/bass driver 
Car audio system
90% of good sound in a car is the installation10% is the componentsBe very wary of car audio dealers claims - None that I have encountered had a clue about audio despite emphatic claims and reputations to the contrary. Always insist on an in-car d... 
converting an LP to digital
Jim - Do you offer a version of THE RIPPER without the phono stage?thanks