
Responses from goatwuss

HT Proc. with 5.1 analog in, under 1k, good sound?
I found this in a forum post: "At first, I also thought that the inputs were strictly bypass, but after fooling around with it, you can disable the "direct" function and should be able to engage surround processing for analog sources."So it seems ... 
HT Proc. with 5.1 analog in, under 1k, good sound?
Thanks Mark,I do have a universal remote (Universal Remote brand) so I think I'd be able to rig that up with a macro.It would be great if you could double check about the DPL II on an analog input. It that works, then this unit looks like a no bra... 
HT Proc. with 5.1 analog in, under 1k, good sound?
Msf - Thanks, I emailed the seller already regarding the Cary unit, it looks pretty nice.I did read a luke-warm review by Christine Tham about the Cinema 6, which raised a couple of concerns.Can the Cinema 6 apply DLP II processing to an analog in... 
HT Proc. with 5.1 analog in, under 1k, good sound?
Davehrab,Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't already have a HT processor. I do have a video scaler (DVDO) that is doing all my video input switching for me, but I have nothing on the audio side for multi-channel right now. 
HT Proc. with 5.1 analog in, under 1k, good sound?
Thanks Steve, Is that the Harmon Kardon Sig. version 2? Does it have Dolby Pro Logic 2? 
HT Proc. with 5.1 analog in, under 1k, good sound?
Somec59 - Actually, I've already got my video switching and processing covered. I need the HT Proc for audio-purposes only.Msf - Thanks for the suggestion. Since I do a lot of Wii gaming, I am quite interested in DPL II. It seems the Audio Refinem... 
HT Proc. with 5.1 analog in, under 1k, good sound?
Thanks for the suggestions... though the meridian 565 does not have a 5.1 analog in, and the Outlaw is a bit bigger in physical size than I had in mind. (It's huge!)So I'll continue looking. 
From Pass X250,5 to 350,5 : what to expect?
"What to expect?"Nothing, unless you have really power hungry speakers in a big room. 
Replace cable box with Tivo
Replacing my RCN Cable box with a HD Tivo was one of the best tech decisions I've made.Their is no noticeable difference in picture quality (I'm using a 50" Panasonic plasma, fed by a DVDO scaler). To answer your question, yes, you get all of your... 
Confused... Projector or Plasma???????
For sitting that far from the screen, projection is your only option unless you want to be squinting to see the action.Plasma is great for the living room, but if you want a real "theater" experience, you've got to go bigger.The best quality proje... 
VonSchweikert VR4JR vs Magenpan MG 1.6
It's really a personal call. Get the maggies in for a demo, and keep the ones you like best. 
Am I Bad Listener?
ITball,You are right on for the most part. Speakers, and their interaction with the acoustic environment (room) accounts for 95% of the sound you hear, good or bad, assuming that the rest of the components are at least mid-level quality.Tubes vs. ... 
Why are LCDs more popular than plasma?
I completely agree with the original poster. Plasma's image quality is so much better than LCD (and DLP) that there is hardly even a discussion. Colors are so much more vivid, contrast is so much better, blacks. If you want that "looking through a... 
McIntosh MC275 vs Bat VK-60: Anyone compared?
Thanks much for the replies, especially considering they are directly on topic with real experiences.It sounds like aside from serice related issues and "environmental" concerns, both the bat and the mac are high quality amps. Likely, I'll start w... 
McIntosh MC275 vs Bat VK-60: Anyone compared?
Maybe you could elaborate on what you mean by finicky? By costly, do you just mean that it is expensive to re tube them?