
Responses from goatwuss

Ipod Into The Main System
You can't really assess the ipod as a playback device, unless you're going line out, and playing lossless files 
Dynaudio C1 + Mcintosh 275 amp, do they match?
Dynaudios really should be run with Solid state electronics. They're not really made for tubes. Sim is a very good match. 
Subwoofer Selection HELP ? ? ?
I've never heard a sub as tight as the RELs, britannia series 
Best Small budget speakers for girlfriend
Try the insignias from best buy. They are $75, I use them in my office, they sound really good. 
Does anyone own the new AV123 Focus LS speakers?
These are not shipping yet. I'm on the pre-order list, so I'll be among the first to get a production pair. They will be competing against my new Merlin VSM MXe's. Only one will stay. 
Wilson Maxx2 or Aerial 20T
If I had a big room, and a Maxx2, I would never go to this site again. I swear 
Sonus Faber Concertino or B&W 805 or else
Sonus Fabers are warm and romantic sounding, B&W is more "precise" sounding and analytica.You'll hear more detail with the B&W, and the SF will make your worse recordings sound better.I would guess you would prefer the SF 
Quad L vs. L2 series
My friends have the 22L (series 1). It is a great speaker for the money. It is light in the bass (recommended to use with a sub), but they are VERY transparent for a dynamic speaker. Makes sense, given that they come from Quad.At this price point ... 
Guitar Hero or Rock Band: Admit You Play?
Who here likes the "hallucinations" after playing a couple rounds of guitar hero? It's ok to admit it. 
Netflix going Blu
Best new loudspeaker
Just as an FYI...Threads started by:Audiophile1958:Best new loudspeakerBest New speaker under $5000Dallas521:best New LOudspeaker to hit the market under $5kThat is their complete thread history. They both have identical styles of writing (bad spe... 
Which movie would you most like to see in HD
LOTR for me 
Video Question: Plazma or LCD???
Blackstonejd - "From what I've seen, there is Pioneer Elite and then there is all the rest."I completely agree, but a close runner up are the panasonic plasmas. They are much cheaper, and look almost as good.I read an in depth article in a HT mag ... 
Multi channel SACD and DVD/A player under $2000
Take a look into the Onkyo SP1000. You can get them for pretty cheap, and they sound quite good on sacd and dvd-a. Very good build quality. 
OUCH My Dynaudio's have crashed....
I wouldn't use the S25 or the C1 (or 1.4s for that matter) in that small of a room. They have big bass ports in back, and will have big problems being only 2feet out into the room.