
Responses from goatwuss

Scoutmaster runs very slow
It sounds like your motor has a problem. Can you swing by your VPI dealer and have it looked at? 
Dynaudio Contour S 1.4 vs Special 25?
FWIW - I A/Bed 1.3SE with S1.4 at the dealer.... same system, same room, and I ended up with the S1.4.The 1.3SE had no real advantages over the S1.4 that I heard. 
Playstation 3 Blue Ray quality - How good is it ?
"Doesn't the PS3 downgrade to 480p if not used with a 1080p set?"Nope. The PS3 can output both 1080i and 720P as well. 
Buying used vs. New
New: If you can afford it, why not? There are many landfalls with used... shady sellers, misrepresented, don't like the product (no audition)Used: If you can't afford new... it's your only option. 
Anyone NOT like the sound of VPI?
Hi MadfloydSomething like "no midbass whatsoever" means you've got a problem somewhere. This would also be very clearly measurable. Have you tried taking RTA measurements of the turntable? Pink noise on a test LP works for this.I upgrade from a tw... 
Wadia 581SE versus Esoteric UX-3Pi
It's tough to draw conclusions about digital sources, heard in completely different rooms with different systems on different days... 
How loud can I 'safely' play my Dynaudio Focus 140
As long as you have the amp the support them (for LOUD, I would recommend at least 200WPC high current SS), then you'll be able to take them as loud as you could stand. 
Dynaudio Contour S 1.4 vs Special 25?
It sounds like your question is whether to buy the S1.4 New from the dealer, or the Special 25 used off of Audiogon.Go with the dealer. The S1.4s are excellent sounding, and unless you have complete top notch gear and room, they will not be your w... 
Revel Salon2 vs. B & W 802D vs. Wilson W.P.7?
I haven't heard the WP8, but I agree the Wilson "sound" is excellent, right up there with the best I've heard. I have heard the Sophia 1, MAXX1, WP7 and Alexandria, and never found them to be bright or ring in the 4-8khz range. 
Subwoofers for my Revel Salons?
I Haven't heard the JL.... but I agree that the REL is MUCH more musical than the Velodyne DD series. I used to own a DD15... but the Rel B1 is much faster and tighter. 
Playstation 3 Blue Ray quality - How good is it ?
Running PS3 for Blu Rays... I haven't taken the time to A/B compare, but Planet Earth (and other Blu Rays) look pretty amazing on my 50" plasma. Much better than DVD deinterlaced with an Anthem D2.I really don't think you'd be disappointed with th... 
Should I upgrade from B&W CDM 7SEs to Quad 22L2s
With all due respect.... cables will not fix your problem. The B&W CDM series is bright. I don't think the tweeter integrates well with the mids, sounds like you don't either...Yes, the Quads are much better speaker overall. More coherent, les... 
Line Array speakers?
Congrats on getting the line array running.I recently got my line arrays setup as well, and they are completely awesome. They are completely effortless with all dynamics.I am running the Danny Richie (GR Research) designed LS6 arrays mentioned in ... 
Musical Subwoofer for 2-channel system
I would try and up your budge to $2k, and look into a REL B3 for a truly musical sub. 
3-d sounding headphones.....
Sennheiser 650's... There is a good reason why they have the reputation as one of, if not the, best sounding headphones out there.You will need an amp for them.