
Responses from gmood1

Best SUB that blends into Music not Home Theater
Here you go Adire Rava..this sub matched perfectly with the Europas during my listening auditions before I bought them. 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
Mitchb send me an addrees so I can ship you a pillow.That way you won't hurt your jaw after it drops to the floor!Let us know how it turns out.Happy Listening! 
Does your system's sound change with the weather?
Glad to see that your getting out of snow country Busics2!I agree that does sucks not being able to get her to ride around with her top down. Man some of you guys need to do stand up comedy shows. I am glad I finished my coffee before I read that ... 
Does your system's sound change with the weather?
Philojet I am glad I don't live in Michigan or CT! You guys live in winter wonder land.Folks down here are in shorts and t-shirts. It's warm enough to ride around with the top down. Ah nothing like 75/80 degrees in March.LOL!!! Sorry Buscis2 ...I ... 
Does your system's sound change with the weather?
I am sure glad others notice these changes as well.Boy Oh Boy.. some of you guys post are HILARIOUS!!!!!I needed a good laugh.I am sure some of you also notice that sounds in the winter seem train horns for example.Happy Listening! 
Does your system's sound change with the weather?
Slipknot you need to go a head and send me those Magnepan 3.6Rs the next time the weather changes! LOLGeoff,Newbee,Blueswan and Onhighway61 you make some good points. It's pretty humid down here in the south most of the year. I haven't noticed any... 
Does your system's sound change with the weather?
I dont know Mark but there seems to be more to it than just mood swings. If that's the case I may need a pyschiatrist.LOL!! Seriously though... I thought at first it could be mood swings but sometimes it sounds great on cloudy days. 
200 to 300 wpc amp revised question
I agree with the last two posters! As long as your speakers don't dip to 1 ohm and known to melt down bruiser amplifiers you will be ok. I would rather have an amplifier that gets the first few watts right. Most of us that haven't destroyed our he... 
Epos M12.2 vs. Von Schweikert VR 1 vs. GMA Europas
Sorry I haven't compared the three on your list. I have spent some time with the Europas. I spent three hrs yesterday listening to a friends $7000.00 Equation 25 ..beautifully hand made speakers.These ... 
Crossovers on B&W Nautilus802
No doubt Trelja! I've been checking around. Mundorfs top caps can be found in $150,000 speakers. I'am dying to try the Mundorf Silver PIOs but at $95.00 for one 10uf cap the cost can be catastrophic... if you have a lot of caps in your crossover! ... 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
Great advice Trelja!! I wanted to mention the inductors.But I didn't want to confuse Mitchb anymore than I have already! LOL 
Crossovers on B&W Nautilus802
Hello have a point. There are a lot of good ones out there. After some initial listening test. In my room the Mundorf Supremes surpassed the North Creek top of the line Crescendos ..which are incredibly great caps and damn expensive al... 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
Here's the site Mitchb can order them yourself. As I said before to save money use the Solens on the Bass section of the crossover if needed.If the Mundorfs get too pricey my next choice would be ... 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
The Solens are going to sound a tad bit harsh on the tweeters.If it were me that speaker company would have to get me the Mundorfs! If your paying to have this done at least see if you can order those parts and let them install them for you. I sur... 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
Hello Mitchb..I am no expert but you should hear a difference. I strongly suggest using better caps than Solens on the tweeter/midrange section of the crossover.IMHO the Solens are fine on the bass section.If your going to do it right... put the b...