
Responses from gmood1

Best speaker for $1500???, Have Cary SLI-80
Since you use a low powered tube amp it might be best to check out speakers that are an easy load on the amplifier.Soliloquy 6.3s or 5.3s come to mind.They both have great bass and the top end is a tad more extended over the Shearwaters.Also you h... 
Digital Amps - Your opinions and why so few?
That's great!! You should hear a tremendous improvement in depth,bass and transparency.Good luck with the mods.ATB 
Digital Amps - Your opinions and why so few?
If you are running Magnepans stock ,you will never hear what any amplifier is capable of with these speakers IMHO. You are running great multi thousand dollar gear with 50 dollar crossovers.There's so much more information in the music you aren't ... 
Digital Amps - Your opinions and why so few?
Hopefully your running them in the bypass mode.Using the attenuators puts the amplifiers in a protection mode.It degrades the signal quite badly.Good Luck! 
Digital Amps - Your opinions and why so few?
Telescope_trade I haven't heard the Hyperions. I need to go up to PeteWhitleys and listen to them. I believe he bought a pair not long ago.You can use adapters. I picked up some from Radioshack for 8 bucks to use between the Carver and MiniMax tub... 
Digital Amps - Your opinions and why so few?
I agree with Eldartford and the AudioEngr...the Carver ZR series amplifiers are the ShizNit! LOL 
Problem with Magnepan 1.5QRs Help
Sounds like a blown quasi ribbon or wire separation from the mylar. You can go to the planar asylum and get the info you need for repairing if you want to keep them. You could also send them to the factory for repair. 
Will Creek 5350 SE drive Magnepan 1.6QR?
As for integrates go.. Musical Fidelity A300 will drive the 1.6s very well.It drove my 2.5Rs without problems.The amplifier was just barely warm even when pushed half volume(this is well above my normal listening levels).You also have the Portal P... 
Cheap class A intergrated power.....
Sounds like a tube man!LOL 50 watts on the wrong speakers can be uninvolving.The sum of parts makes the connection not just one component.All the Best! 
Cheap class A intergrated power.....
The cheapest and one of the best bang for the buck is the MF A300.It drove my big Maggies with absolute authority! I will miss it.Also you have the Kavent 210 and the Xindak 6900. I haven't heard these but they do look interesting.Good Luck! 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
I agree ..from my limited experience the resistors really make a positive difference.Mills and Ohmite resistors are both terrific replacements for the basic sandcast resistors found in a lot of speakers. 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
Mitch just let me know when you get tired of them. I will gladly take them off your hands.LOLI am sure your wife will thank me! 
Active cross-over recomendations
You may want to post this question at the Planar Speaker Asylum. There are several members that use active crossovers.Good Luck! 
Sonus Faber Grand Pianos vs. Thiel 1.6's
If I had to choose between the two it would be the Sonus Fabers all day long! Another speaker that sounds similar to the Grand Pianos are the Soliloquy 6.3s. The Sols are a tad more detailed and have much deeper bass but cost less.Another sleeper ... 
Free air resonance?
I think you should go for it! Those tweets will surely out perform the stock tweets in your speakers. There's just some things charts and graphs cannot explain. If you use those things the good lord gave you on both sides of your head..I think you...