
Responses from gmood1

Crossover mods and speaker efficiancy?
Thanks for the info ..I have my inductors, caps and resistors for each section point to point. The sections themselves are whats separated in each speaker. I have noticed in some speakers the inductors are stacked or fairly close though.Thanks 
Crossover mods and speaker efficiancy?
Funny you mention the separation of parts. This is exactly what I did in my crossovers. My inductors are nearly 12 inches apart in each speaker.Also the capacitors and resistors for the highs/mids and lows are seperated by up to 10 inches. I am st... 
Crossover mods and speaker efficiancy?
No Herman..LOL Mine are the 2.5Rs.I was giving you an example of the quality crossovers in a expensive speaker. Not picking on the Maggies since I really like them.But they should be ashamed.Hey if you see them for that let me know ! I would still... 
Crossover mods and speaker efficiancy?
After hearing what a crossover upgrade did for my speakers.I feel the gamble is worth taking and worth while in getting the best out of the speaker.Since I buy mostly used I can spend a little extra taking the crossovers and the speaker to another... 
Will I notice improvement with crossover mods?
I am also very glad to see you move into the next stage of this hobby my friend. It is fun to hear the difference in the crossover components themselves.As the months pass you will scratch your head and wonder what took you so long to take that st... 
Vandies or Maggies?
My vote is for the Maggies.Not a perfect speaker but it does so many things well. I am also bias and prefer a panel speaker . So take my suggestion with a grain of salt.Good luck! 
Best in depth of soundstaging and ease for 2k?
I have two suggestions Eminent Technology LFT VIIIa or A pair of Magnepans .The LFTs will give you bass down to 25 hz or so. They aren't analytical but have depth and speed. At 13 inches wide and 60 inches tall with 1st order crossovers and a ... 
Alpha Core vs Solo inductors?
Mitch should get an award for patience. I know it's been a long road. IMHO you will be rewarded with terrific sound from those Hales once everything is completed.I have heard of both coils you mention but have no experience with them. I dec... 
Alpha Core vs Solo inductors?
Hey Mitchb Parts Express has a clearance on Alpha Core inductors.They may have the values you need ..not sure though. 
Anyone heard the new VMPS RM30?
The ribbon/planar midrange drivers as Calanctus states are very fast and detailed. They allow you to hear that last bit of shimmer on the cymbals.The plucks of strings are extremely vivid.A basic cone midrange driver seems to lag a little in compa... 
Best way to ship large / heavy speakers???
Shipping by Bax Global has worked well for me. I've shipped several pair of speakers in the 200 pound range with no problems.Good luck! 
Differences btw speakers?
Click on the link Speakers 101 Good Luck! 
Are Martin Logans considered polite?
Looks as though you have been bitten by the ribbon! LOLThe true ribbon tweeters do have a certain speed few tweeters can match. I think you have become accustom to it's sound.It will make some speakers sound rolled off. 
Still pondering Paradigms
How about takening a look at the Eminent Tech LFT-VIIIA. I've owned several Paradigm models and spent hours with different models.They are good speakers.But it will not give you the speed,clarity,and neutrality that you have become accustom too fr... 
Is high frequency extension important to openness
You would think a $3-5,000 speaker should do this well.But that isn't always the case. I think the crossover is one of the most important factors in designing speakers. There's no doubt the quality of the transducer has it merits as well.I am no a...