
Responses from gmood1

Meadowlark Swift vs. Soliloquy vs. Concertinos
Since my last post ,I have listened to the Concertinos. I think they a terrific speakers.But from all that I've heard the Soliloquys are still the better value and give up nothing in performance out of the 3 makers listed.The Sonus Fabers are beau... 
Panasonic digital amps and 4 ohm speakers
Hello Brett..I still have a soft spot for the boat anchors.But I know the day will come when they will become few and far between.If not already ...soon there will be digital amplifiers that you can tune and change the sound to your liking.So if y... 
Panasonic digital amps and 4 ohm speakers
Dan should be able to power five maggies in this configuration.Kenwood is due to release it's pure path digital receiver VRS-7100 in june.It supposedly 130 wpc instead of the rated 100 wpc Panny. It's the same equibit technology..just a littl... 
Digital Mid-Fi Receiver Comparisons??
I suppose you will just have to listen for yourself as Exertfluffer has pointed out.These days it's not many audio components that don't lose 50% after it's purchased new.Buy from a place where you can evaluate the equipment and return if needed.S... 
bare wire vs. spade lugs vs. banana plugs
I use bare wire also but then again I don't use binding post either.Well not at the speaker end any way. 
New power for my Nautilus 805's - Integrated Amps?
I think there's several dealers not far from you.One is in Florence Alabama and another in Huntsville.If he's still around there's a dealerAscent audio in Montgomery that carries Audio Physic, Totem Acoustic, Merlin Music Systems and Emminent Tech... 
Best monitor against wall
You may want to check out Carolina Audio and Audio Note speakers. I haven't heard these yet...I've read they both work well near walls.Good Listening! 
My frugal dream be merciless
Bombaywalla I need to take your advice and checkout that dealer in th ATL.I know I should have already done this. Next time your down this way give some of the fellas a holler. I would love to get together with some fellow audiophiles in this area... 
What am I to do about
You speak of sibilance.This is common on older and some newer mass market recordings.The Stratos nor the Paradigm 100's have this built in.You may want to buy that boombox.I can't imagine how all your gear can have this.Have you tried some form of... 
What am I to do about
Cford what types of music do you listen to and who are the record labels ? I see plenty of folks blame their equipment for just bad recordings.Unfortuntely some recordings are just not made well.It maybe time to bring out the tone controls.The mor... 
Panasonic digital amps and 4 ohm speakers
Hello Kclone..well to be honest if you need to smooth over some recordings this isn't the receiver for you. I guess in a perfect world having a high resolution system and one that plays the mass market recordings would be best.With the advancement... 
Are Magnepan MG-IIIa speakers problematic?
I've owned two pair of Maggies. Neither was hard to set up for me. On down the road you may want to checkout the MUG on Audioasylum as Tireguy has pointed out. A crossover upgrade will push these speakers to another level.This is when you find out... 
Completely restructuring my modest system..
Hey Dubzilla the Monarchys are solid state amplifiers.Also you may want to checkout the new Panasonic SA XR 50/70 from $250.00 to $350.00. The 70 model isn't out yet. Then all you will need is your cd player. If you go with separates the Mini Max ... 
Completely restructuring my modest system..
Depending if you want a floor stand or monitor. If a monitor I would go with something like a used Green Mountain Europa (Great monitor that punches well above it's price) $600.00 . You can get some decent stands around $150 to $200 if you look ha... 
Is the B&W Signature 805 less harsh than the N805?
Hey Lrsky I was trying to say that in a nice way.I hope your asbestos suit is on stand by..Cuz the flames are coming! LOL