
Responses from gmood1

Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Teajay maybe right about that. It would be nice to compare. Since I've had a Bent here to compare to my TVC, which doesn't use the same trannies. I had an extremely tough time hearing a difference between the two.] I read the same from other... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
FWIW..the Bent,Audio Zone,Music First and K&K TVCs all use the exact same S&B trannies. Only differences are in the aesthetics and usability. It would be hard pressed to hear any significant differences in sound between these units if not ... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Very nice review...and welcome to the world of TVCs! You nailed the sound of a TVC quite well! My units are no where near as pretty as your Bent but offers similar sound. Glad to read of another convert. IMO the Bents are very well built and will ... 
Odyssey Stratos vs. Monarchy SM-70 PRo ?
Oh that's a tough one. Had the Monarchy 70s and listened to the Odyssey Stratos at a buddy's home. The Stratos sounds more rounded too me. The SM70s a little cleaner with a slight sweetness to them. The sound will be more depended on how each unit... 
Which CDP Provides Weighty Presentation $2k ?
Why not just buy a Dac? The ECD-1 has this sound. So does the Paradisea Dac for less than half its used price(maybe not quite as extended though in upper frequencies) but well balanced none the less. The ECD-1 is probably what you're looking for..... 
Passive preamps: What are the relevant numbers?
There are several different types of passives. There's no real way to know how one would sound in a given system. You'll have to experiment.Good luck 
How high is your soundstage?
Chesky Jazz Sampler & Audiophile test CD Vol 1. 
"Budget" preamp choices.
I second the Promitheus TVC rec..not lacking in dynamics in a properly setup system. 
Monarchy audio DIP vs high end transport
I use a DIP 48/96 with my transports. I use it now with a computer as a transport..talking about analog sounding. The addition of a NON OS Dac really tops it off! No digital fatigue with this combo. I prefer it to the non upsampling versions which... 
Your Music Server
Dell XPS 410 (Intel Duo 2 core )with Media Center and remote. I use WMA lossless ripped to HD and Foobar as the playback program. I run an optical out of the Dell's sound card to a Monarchy DIP 48/96, from there it goes to one of my NOS OS DACs by... 
New DAC, or new amp?
Have you considered selling the tubed buffer and the NAD making room for separates? That would give you a larger budget. It should be enough in there to get a preamp,amplifier along with a Dac(if necesssary)...if you shop smartly. 
Red Wine, Patek, Audio Zone and Atma Sphere
The Patek nor the AZ Amp are digital amplifiers. You've lost me Acresverde? Maybe you should listen first. 
Red Wine, Patek, Audio Zone and Atma Sphere
Never heard your amplifiers..better probably isn't the right word. Different yes..the Patek isn't a Solid State made to sound like a tubed amplifier, but it does portray some attributes of a good tubed amplifier... Although it isn't a bloomy unit ... 
DAC under $1K
"As far as sound, dynamic bass, transparent mids & smooth highs + analog sound, leaning towards the mellow side, definately nothing bright."You may find the Mhdt Paradisea NON OS tubed output Dac to your liking. You can find them on Ebay from ... 
Please list all USB digital to analogue devices
Mhdt Constantine Plus and Mhdt USB Plus Dialogue II