
Responses from gmood1

Has iTunes, etc. impacted your listening habits?
Not a iTunes guy, but Pc audio in general has impacted my listening for the better! Others have already stated need to go there. Sound wise ..unless the setup isn't ideal. It's hard for me to understand why anyone would think HD music woul... 
Which format to use - mp3 vs. windows lossless,
If ripping from original disc go Flac. If downloading MP3s from the might as well leave them as they are. 
DAC and CD Transport Question
You can find a lot of info in the archives about this. My advice is save your money. Buy a Mac Mini or something similar and use its HD as the transport. Find a USB DAC and forget about digital cables. You'll be much happier without the hassles. I... 
Alternatives to the Paradigm S4?
It takes more than a powerful magnet to give accurate sound. The crossover and cabinet design should be a large part of the equation. Don't get me wrong I like the powerful magnets too..think Alinco magnets. 
Wow Windows Vista sounds sooo much better
A new version Of ASIO4All is available for download now Version 2.8 BETA 1. Comparing it to the KS: USB DAC output in Foobar.It sounds basically the same too me. So take your pick.Since I only use this PC for two channel using a USB DAC. I have no... 
Wow Windows Vista sounds sooo much better
I'm no expert, but I have been playing with the Vista intensely.Assuming you use a DAC.First off go into your Sound Devices in the right hand corner of the screen. Make your USB DAC the primary device.Click on the DAC that's enabled and go into pr... 
Wow Windows Vista sounds sooo much better
I agree the Vista does sound better than XP. Not sure if it is better than the USB-ASIO driver.The Vista USB DAC direct may have the edge. Hopefully the Vista version will be out soon, so I can do some real comparisons. I do prefer the DS: USB out... 
DIY speaker enclosure, maybe TL?
"I have tried transmision lines MLTL Martin King design and ported etc. Sealed cabinet is always better IMHO, I put a big chunk of plywood covering the ports of Martin Kings design for Lowther DX3 and things got much better, I also changed the Low... 
DIY speaker enclosure, maybe TL?
You could also contact Bob Brines. He maybe able to steer you in the right direction. I'm a fan of TLs..they have a certain type of bass that I haven't experienced from other designs. Here's Bob's site Brines Acoustics. 
newbie ? on streaming internet audio to DAC
Rhyno..yes Winamp works just fine with outboard DACs. Use Winamp as your primary internet radio player.There are so many options or ways to to do this it is mind boggling.You can go SB3 or use a similar wireless device or you can go through a USB ... 
Anyone know how good MHDT Labs Paradisea DAC is?
You must be talking about the USB model. Yeah if I already didn't have the basic, I would buy the USB version. ;-) 
Anyone know how good MHDT Labs Paradisea DAC is?
That's the first thing I noticed about the sounds full in comparison to other DACs and CD players I've heard against it. The tube is definitely doing its job! 
Anyone know how good MHDT Labs Paradisea DAC is?
The feet are level on my unit..haven't noticed any rocking.Nor have I noticed the sag.How does the unit sound? 
Chesky Records & poor sevice,
I went through the same thing a couple of years back. I won't buy direct from Chesky any more. I only buy their stuff through Amazon. I still never received all of the CDs I paid for! Some of the ones they did send me, I didn't order. So you aren'... 
Looking for an integrated tube amp USA or Europe