
Responses from gmood1

Losing volume when sub is hooked up
I wonder if your integrated uses a passive pot or attenuator? If it does and is unbuffered,it will tax the output of your source when used with fairly long ICs connecting a subwoofer. You need a buffer or a integrated with an active preamp section. 
musical fidelity sound?
I tried some of the older gear a few yrs ago. Like the A300 which was indeed some what lifeless too me. Never harsh or brittle just round and boring.Resolution and Neutrality wasn't its strong point that's for sure. The X stuff sounded just plain ... 
Transport - does it matter to the sound at all?
Seantaylor is right on the money with the reclocker and NON OS DACs. The difference in sound for the better when using a reclocker with these units is undeniable. Astrostar59 should try one just for fun. The Monarchy DIP, Digital Lens, GW La... 
Clarification of Audio Sector DACs
I assume by Dac 1 you are refering to the Dac with the green boards? The Dac 2 is the premium dac board with BG caps. The green board is the cheaper version. The gold board is the premium kit. When I purchased the Premium Dac it was $80 more than ... 
Bent Audio TAP?
Any thing below 1000 ohms is normally just fine. 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
Jsadurni, I like both units. I couldn't pick a real winner. Both units sounded about the same too me. The Bent was setup with 6dB extra gain. So it wasn't easy to get a volume match on both units. The Bent is the better built of the two..being all... 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
I agree 4yanx the Bent NOH is a terrific unit! I for one have no interest in active linestages any more(no matter the cost). If it ain't a TVC..I have no use for it.FWIW Peter Daniels of Audio Sector is working on a RVC unit. Hopefully he'll have ... 
NYC - Compare computer rig w/ conventional?
Kublakhan..LOL..Once you hook up with The New York Ravers on AC. Audiogon will become your third home! ;-) 
NYC - Compare computer rig w/ conventional?
Kublakhan should hook up with the New York Rave guys over on audiocircle. These fellows have a lot of fun swapping and listening to different gear. Some of them are nice enough to swap gear with audiophiles not in New York. As a whole ..very... 
Low volume bookshelf spkrs that go from 20 to 20k?
Low volume listening and full range is a tall order for a bookshelf. A sub and monitors would be best. For low volume listening, I suggest you checkout the Single Driver Omega speakers or similar type speakers. They'll cover the midrange and highs... 
What is the best $1000 CD Player?
I second the MHDT Paradisea Dac. Buy one of those Oppo's for a transport. Down the road throw a upsampler(Monarchy/Gw Labs) in between the two..and really get your mind blowed! 
TAD 803 budget amp suggestions??
Here's several that should mate well Scott Nixon Monos, VMB-1 monoblocks and a Gainclone. 
What DAC to use with a Sony XA7ES
Glad you found a nice Dac. Well I'm going with Tvad on this one. I've heard the Paradisea Dac and still listening..there's not a chance in hell of the Sony competing with it in musical sound quality! Cheap or not this is one helluva Dac! If you ev... 
Neotech UPOCC Silver Interconnects vs AZen
This wouldn't surprise me..this hobby with some is more about the appearance and cost. Screw what's's how it looks that determines the sound.LOL 
can omega super3 reproduce orchestral experience?
Yup as Marco said..the Sols should get your friend very close to what he's looking for. The Super 3s are very nice speakers,but their not designed to give SLAM. The Omega 3 speaker is designed to give you more of an intimate electrostatic sound on...