
Responses from gmood1

jitter reduction?
Jitter is definitely doesn't take a big buck system to hear it either. Just a very simple one will allow you to hear the differences in lowering the jitter.One that doesn't use a processor as a preamp would be a good start. I find most... 
maggie 1.6 mods
Just eliminating the fuse made a drastic improvement. Never tried the stands with my maggies. I think their are some high grade fuses available on the market now. This maybe a safer way to hear the differences. I've never used them in the maggies ... 
Any Eminent Technology LFT 8 owner in the Bay Area
There's quite a few out there. Some aren't true single driver speakers,but they do follow the basic concept.These are just a few of the Single Driver or crossover less speaker sites. You have open baffles,Transmission lines, Horn loaded and Concen... 
Any Eminent Technology LFT 8 owner in the Bay Area
You ever considered a large single driver speaker? They sound similar to Maggies just with more punch and clarity..depending on the design. There's also no integration issues like you'll find with most hybrid designs. Also it opens up the door for... 
Any Eminent Technology LFT 8 owner in the Bay Area
Yes Bruce is a great guy!He doesn't live far from a friend and I. My friend bought a pair of LFT 8s from him. He was nice enough to fly the speakers up on his private plane. Terrific guy in deed!!My friend still owns them.. that was over two years... 
Blu-Ray Sony for Redbook CD
These are good reasons to go PC audio/video. There is now a HD/Blu-ray all in one DVD drive by LG that you can mount in your PC. This unit cost $300...a no brainer in my book. You can enjoy is good! ;-) 
DAC Recommendations
"Where can you buy a 500gb hard drive for $150.00?"Staples regularly has them for around $130. They run sales frequently..just keep a look out. I think tiger direct normally sales them cheap also. 
Speakers placed against back wall
Carolina Audio Transmission line speakers. 
what settings in itunes to use a dac
You can use Benchmark's wiki to guide you. By the way,the VLC player from Benchmark's test is the only media player that is bit transparent for Mac. 
Passive Preamps w/ Transformer Volume Control
I second the Promitheus! 
Crossover-less Speakers
I use the Bob Brines FTA-2000s now. I owned GMA Europas,several Maggies,Paradigms,Omega,Soliloquy 6.3s and a few others. I consider them full range as a whole. Lows are very good without being over blown or bloaty. I only use a sub for movies or c... 
Promitheus TVC preamp
I have an extra one,but it is being auditioned by another audiophile out in Texas. He must like it he has had it for two months 
MHDT Paradisia DAC connections
That shouldn't be a problem at all. Use the coax for one and the optical for the other. 
Budget power amp for Promethius TVC and Quad 22L
What are you using as a source? AV Receiver line stage..what is this? The TVC will not hide source or amplifier deficiencies. It is very easy to put together a poor matching of components using a TVC.I've never heard a receiver that sounds good wi... 
VISTA users.
How about give it a try Eandylee. The USBaudio driver does support more than what's listed on the website. The demo copy is free. There's only one way to find out.