
Responses from gmood1

Bedini 801 or Audire Forte amps
I have a good friend that owns an Audire amplifier. It's a big brother to the amplifier you're thinking of buying. It seems fairly neutral too me. It doesn't seem to add nor take anything away from the music.Which I guess is what a good amplifier ... 
USB to DAC questions
Nope not yet my friend. I did post on Audio Circle asking about the unit. I got a few replies. 
Best speakers for 3 cord rock and roll
I got a speaker for you!! You'll need a grand more..but it is worth it!!!A friend and I heard these speakers over the weekend. They are called Emerald Physics C2s. We were both speechless! This is as close to live music as I've ever heard out of a... 
USB to DAC questions
As far as I know they are not Sonos owned or operated.Looks like a joint project they've designed though. I'm sure someone has specs for this unit.Specs can be helpful..not in all cases though. Most of the specs on this sort of stuff is misleading... 
USB to DAC questions
Nope..I haven't found the s/n ratio so far.This product is fairly new. Hopefully they'll post something eventually. It would be nice if they gave a 30 day trial period. This would allow a person the chance to try it out before a full commitment. 
USB to DAC questions
The Decco has a cover on the back. So there's not a big hole back there. You'll have to remove this cover before sliding the Sonos in place. 
USB to DAC questions
Not sure..I do know what NON OS Dacs and Scott Nixon's mono blocks sound like. This is a very very good sounding combo.Transparency of Op chip amps is hard to beat!From what I was told Scott Nixon had a part in designing this integrated. It is his... 
USB to DAC questions
Djembeplay, Here's one for you, it's a Hybrid Tube Integrated Amplifier/DAC.. PeachTree Audio Decco. I just got to see one of these today. it looks better in person. I have no idea how it sounds though! This should simplify things quite a bit for ... 
USB to DAC questions
Djembeplay,If reliability is what your worried need with the Paradisea.I keep mine on at all times. Up until vacation recently it had been powered up for at least 6 months non stop. Also it is well known enough at this point. You would h... 
USB to DAC questions
I've owned both. I didn't have the USB version of the AS Dac however. The one in the photo was actually mine. They sound very similar. I thought the Paradisea was a tad more immediate and dynamic. The AS Dac was more laid back. Both are good. Look... 
USB to DAC questions
The Paradisea is a very nice sounding NON OS Dac. I've owned two of these.The first version and now the second model.Nothing wrong with the SN gear either. I wouldn't let one review stop me from buying one. Also you may want to look at the Audio S... 
USB to DAC questions
If possible I would use Vista for your USB Dac. It's just much simpler to configure. XP does sound just fine using an ASIO to bypass the Kmixer though.The Vista just gives you more sampling options than XP.I've had both Mac and PC in my setup..I f... 
maggie 1.6 mods
I hear ya Pete ..I love the maggies as well... especially modified. The FTA2000s have served me well though..had them longer than any other speaker so far.It is a hard for me to choose between them. I just need a little more flexibility with amps ... 
maggie 1.6 mods
Pete you gotta let me come up and hear them sometimes!Take care my friend! 
jitter reduction?
I'm not saying DSPs are bad. They have their place in audio. For HT.. DSPs are great! None of them I've heard do well with 2 channel music. I owned Meridian and friend owns Lexicon. Dealer friend carried McIntosh and now carries Anthem DSPs. I've ...