
Responses from gmood1

small cd player around 1000.00 small footprint
Quad 99 CDP-2.. you can also use it without a preamp if necessary. 
Tube amps good with Emerald Physics CS2 speakers?
You can use XLR to RCA adapters to cure that problem. I know what you mean..a friend and I haven't felt quite right after hearing them either. LOL 
Tube amps good with Emerald Physics CS2 speakers?
Rockadanny..If you're in the ATL. You should hook up with Walter when he comes back from Hawaii and hear those speakers.He has the space for you to hear them. 
Emarald Physics for Home Theater?
Bill makes sense..just like any other speaker they're not everyone's cup of tea. It is ideal to hear a speaker in your own home if possible for a fair judgement. Speakers always sound different in a store IME. I was lucky enough to hear them in a ... 
Emarald Physics for Home Theater?
Clayton is designing a center channel and rears for the speakers. I doubt you'll miss the center with these speakers! Will these do home theater? These are the most dynamic speakers I've had the pleasure of will not run short on dyna... 
TVC Promethius versus Bent
I've played with both, it is a tough call IME. Now that Nick has introduced a C core version. Which is supposed to be even better. I personally would try it before any of the others just because of the different winding technique. The Bent was the... 
Tube amps good with Emerald Physics CS2 speakers?
Hello Rockadanny..yes you are unfortunately.You would have to hear the speakers to understand. In fact it would surprise you how this speaker sounds driven by a pro amp on the woofers. The speaker was designed to do just that, give you great sound... 
Tube amps good with Emerald Physics CS2 speakers?
I was just discussing this with a friend today.We're waiting for his CS2s to come in. We plan to try my 300B on the top end. And use a Audire Otez or a Classe on the woofers. Preamps will be a TVC and a Bel Canto Dac 3.Honestly I don't see it bein... 
Music Reference RM9 - user comments please
I auditioned Ozzy62's system several years ago. He used an RM9 with a K&K TVC, the sound was phenomenal! I'm a former owner of the MK2..terrific sounding amplifier...I wish I still owned one. These particular tube amplifiers have plenty of gai... 
Looking for a Solidly good inexpensive DAC
I agree the Paradisea is a lovely Dac. Definitely worth a listen. The Audio Sector sounds similar just a tad more laid back or not as immediate. The Paradisea may have the edge in resolution the Audio Sector closer to analog sounding. I like both ... 
Looking for a Solidly good inexpensive DAC
Audiosector NOS USB Dac or a Promitheus Dac can both be had for under $400 new. Contact Peter Daniels for more info on the Audio Sector, he will build you one. His commercial version of this Dac sells for $1300. It is the same Dac internally just... 
bel canto vs classe amps
I've heard both, but on different speakers. So very tough to point out major differences. The Classe seems to be the warmer of the two.I've listened too one of these on a regular basis. The Bel Canto S300 is more neutral. It's hard to say that it ... 
A 9 watts SET for the Maggies, Heavenly marriage
Not sure on your price range,but as suggested in another thread. You may want to take a look at the KR Audio amplifiers. If some these amplifiers can drive Acoustats. They'll have no problems driving your maggies. Here's a review of them doing tha... 
Cary 805, deHavilland or Atma-Sphere? Anyone cares
"The question is "thinking about a Cary 805,deHavilland orAtma-sphere.One post has mis-informationOne post address'the mis-information and the questionTwo posts does not address the question and suggests something else.Why cant we stay on track ?"... 
USB DAC balanced or unbalanced inputs?
From what I've seen so far. The only benefit would be a higher voltage output on the XLR outputs verses Single ended. This in turn may give you a few more dBs of gain.However this may not be the case with all Dacs.Depending on your preamp's or amp...